I think it's been discussed before that we shouldn't be allowed to stack items in larger quantities (i.e. 1000 stacks of Elixer rather than the standard 100). But I think it would be SUPER useful if we could still buy in larger quantities than a single stack can hold (i.e. buying 2000 Ice Cream Sundaes in a single purchase creates 20x100 Ice Cream Sundaes in your inventory). Someone actually mentioned this on the aforementioned thread but I can't find it, but I also didn't see any status on this so I decided to make it a new thread
It's client restricted if I'm not wrong, so unless there's something something new technology new client blabla, don't think it's possible. Personally I wanna buy in larger quantities too...
Here's a tip to make it easier and quicker to buy things: After clicking "Buy Item", enter the amount "0000000100." Highlight it by dragging your mouse over the numbers. Press CTRL + C to copy it. Drag the box that says "How many are you willing to buy?" to align the button that says "OK" with the button that says "Buy Item" on the store. Hold down CTRL + V. Rapidly click. Sorry if this is poorly explained, but this is similar to how a shadower drops mesos. It always helps me when I want to buy several thousands worth of ginger ales.