And to quote on that awesome achievment, here's the last PPQ moment together.. :c Hopefully soon I'll reach out and get to 101 aswell~
Finally a max level character! Shoutout to my homie Kevin & Mark for the daily hentai zakum runs featuring Darren once in blue moon, Rachel, Jearlna (I miss you), Crystal, Sami for HT parties! Special shoutout to Nessi for being an inspiration! Worst 200 party can be viewed here. Actual leveling starts from 11th minute onward xD. Thanks for attending the party, and sorry for the delay! #Mathsishard PS: Pudi pudi song alert. Special thanks to Peng & Darren for the video!
,The statues message pretty much says it all,No longer a leeching scumbag..but alas now a Echo mule for all you noob$ out there :^D. Happy royaling & always remember.. Keep your watches set 4/20 sharp !
Finally got a perfect bow!! Shoutout to iSlush, Dann, Pantera, and Lola. Wouldn't have been able to do it without you guys!!
- gachaed TMA153 wand5 by myself - farmed all scrolls by myself (30%*3 Event*4) - land scrolls by myself so this wand is 100% handmade wand!
I was able to pass mw20 on my first try, and with that, I can now 1hit skeles (1295 magic with gen30) with a handicap!
After 2 years i have finally my first perfect shiner bow. https://image./j3tczT/Captura_de_pantalla_2018_07_28_a_la_s_21_25_17.png
LV 51 beginner idk how you guys immbed your images but here ya go https:///iPKPJo see if it works if not theres a link https://image./gD924T/Screenshot_23.png