What position are you applying for?: [x] Emperor [x] Nick [ ] Gm [x] Crown Master [x] Junior Personal Details: Name: Nicholas S. Nakano Age: 20 Sex: No Character Name: Himeragay Location: Oregon, USA Join date: May 2014 1] What do you like about Crown?: I lyk da peepo in duh gild 2] What does Crown like about you?: vAT u tokin 3] How many hours a week do you play?: Eleventy Seven 4] Have you ever been in any other guild on MapleRoyals?: Yeh Which one?: Honour (shittiest guild NA) How long?: 2 minutes 6] Other than being bootyful, what skills and qualities can you provide for Crown?: I'm fabulous 7] Besides those listed above, what do you think is important for a perfect for a Crown member?: fuk u Dakker 8] Why do you want to join us?: Because i need to be w/ my bFF DAKker 9] Do you know anyone else in Crown?: DAKKER
Name: Justin Age: 20 Sex: Male Character Name: Synyster Location: New York, USA. No, not the City. Join date: May, 2014. 1] Do you know anyone in Crown? if so, who?: I do not know anyone in Crown 2] Why would you like to join Crown?: Looking to become socially active on the server, while also contributing to "end-game" type happenings. 3] Do you use Skype?: I do have skype though I prefer to use G+ Hangouts or Oovoo as they run better. 4] How much do you play MapleRoyals?: Depending on the day I can be on anywhere from just an hour or two to all day. Most active Thursday - Saturday. 5] Have you ever been in any other guild on MapleRoyals? if so, which and how long?: I have not been in another guild since joining MR. 6] Tell me a joke. :'): Did you hear that Paul Walker had dandruff?
hello justin! when you get online please whisper any of the leaders or junior for invitation. thank you!
Name:Brandon Age:22 Sex:feMALE Character Name:Snickers Level:128 Location:Canada Join date:Um... Sometime last year, mid year. 1] Do you know anyone in Crown? if so, who? I know Starfish! and I also know Rabbits 2] Why would you like to join Crown? I believe joining active/boss running/friendly guilds is one of my favorite things to do on Maple. All I did was party quest and talk in guild chat on the ol GMS. 3] Do you use Skype? I do, come on it's 2014! 4] How much do you play MapleRoyals? Too much for my own good... can't give a specific time frame. 5] Have you ever been in any other guild on MapleRoyals? if so, which and how long? I've been in Queens/Nostalgia/Plushie/Synergy and all for a reasonable time frame. 6] Tell me a joke. :') How do trees access the internet? They log in!
Name: Ryan Age: 23 Sex: M Character Name: Zest Level: 81 Location: CA Join date: Mid august of this year 1] Do you know anyone in Crown? if so, who? Breathe 2] Why would you like to join Crown? Seems like an active and fun guild. Nice peeps n such :3 3] Do you use Skype? I have a skype, but i haven't used it much since getting a new laptop. 4] How much do you play MapleRoyals? Usually log in at least once a day unless im busy with REAL LIFE (dun dun dunnnnnn D: ) 5] Have you ever been in any other guild on MapleRoyals? if so, which and how long? Vogue, then Genesis for a week, then back to Vogue but its pretty inactive and our leader is thinkin bout disbanding :/ 6] Tell me a joke. :') What's a screamo band's favorite kind of cheese? - BRRREEEEEEEEEEE!
Name: Chelsea Age: 21 Sex: Femme Fatale~ Character Name: Scoops Level: 8x Priest Location: Bay Area California USA Join Date: Aug 18th 1] Do you know anyone in Crown? if so, who? Yes, Breathe is my Bae <3 2] Why would you like to join Crown? Seems like a fun guild full of active cuties 3] Do you use Skype? Yep! 4] How much do you play MapleRoyals? Usually once a day, but sometimes I skip every now and then due to real life stuff 5] Have you ever been in any other guild on MapleRoyals? if so, which and how long? Vogue and Genesis. Vogue for about a month or so but it seems like its disbanding soon. I was in Genesis for like a week but no one talked so I left. :/ 6] Tell me a joke. :') Uhhhhh, "Life without women would be a pain in the ass" BADUMDUMTSHHH~
Name: Jimmy Ni and Damon respectively. (We are OTP) Age: 18 and 17 Respectively Sex: Male and Male Character Name: Lynn and Damon respectively. Level: 134 and 144 respectively. Location: East Lansing, Michigan and Ann Arbor, Michigan respectively Join date: Sometime in July and Sometime in May respectively. 1] Do you know anyone in Crown? if so, who? We both know Tommy and Breathe(Suki). 2] Why would you like to join Crown? Crown seems to be a friendly environment with a fun ppl2pass motive. 3] Do you use Skype? Both of us use skype and chat on a daily basis. 4] How much do you play MapleRoyals? Usually six days a week, if not more. 5] Have you ever been in any other guild on MapleRoyals? if so, which and how long? Plushie for the entire time it existed until it's closure, Infinity until its closure. Both of us respectively. 6] Tell me a joke. :') Why did Mushdad leave Mushmom? Because Mushmom was always at someone else's house. O
Name: Damon Self and Jimmy Ni respectively. (We are OTP) Age: 17 and 18 Respectively Sex: Male and Male Character Name: Damon and Lynn respectively. Level: 144 and 134 respectively. Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan and East Lansing, Michigan respectively Join date: Sometime in May and Sometime in July respectively. 1] Do you know anyone in Crown? if so, who? We both know Tommy and Breathe(Suki). 2] Why would you like to join Crown? Crown seems to be a friendly environment with a fun ppl2pass motive. 3] Do you use Skype? Both of us use skype and chat on a daily basis. 4] How much do you play MapleRoyals? Everyday for multiple hours varying from 3-12 depending on activities that day. 5] Have you ever been in any other guild on MapleRoyals? if so, which and how long? Plushie for the entire time it existed until it's closure, Infinity until its closure. Both of us respectively. 6] Tell me a joke. :') Why did the cookie go to the drug store? To get baked.
am i dumb or i just don't get that joke.. nevertheless, welcome! let me be ur pain in a ass bb xoxo jk welcome to the guild !! WELCOME YOU TWO OTPS XOXO
Gross, Dini's/Hanny's Guild xD Dang though, your guild is finally huge~ DON'T FUCK IT UP LIKE INFITITY, AND STUFF. <3
Name: Cecilia/Thao Age: Don't worry, I am not jail bait ;] Sex: I've got this Young V baby Character Name: iCeci Level: 125 BM Location: in yo mamas bedroom Join date: yesterday 1] Do you know anyone in Crown? if so, who? 2] Why would you like to join Crown? I was born a Crown. 3] Do you use Skype? I can be your late night booty call. 4] How much do you play MapleRoyals? I even play in my sleep! 5] Have you ever been in any guild on MapleRoyals? if so, which and how long? ssupahlong 6] Tell me a joke. :') ............what gets longer when pulled, fits between breasts, inserts neatly in a hole, and works best when jerked? A SEAT BELT.