Not counting 'fun' ht runs- do efficient htp seller parties of high range and pro bs only have bs, se, sed mules and nls or do they include warriors that arent sed mules that attack?
iirc, assuming u have se,bs,sed,pala mules. (with 1 hit darks bs, and range focusing on heads only) '3nl + 1 hero + 1bm' is a only a few minutes faster than '4 nls + 1bm'
drk role is the same as hero. crash when wep def is up and probably as sed too. So yes, you can substitute, though damage is less than hero without si
Afaik drk dps is pretty equal to hero dps if not better since most runs have se and not si and drk benefit more from se than heros. However drk is worse at being seduce target, but if we're talking "efficient" runs I would guess that there would be a sed mule as well as the attacking drk/hero. Like deluna said having a drk or hero on the run will most likely make the run a bit faster than just having ranged/single target dps. Personally the people I run with most the time rarely bring warriors to the run as attackers, I'm not sure why that is maybe we all just prefer to play nl since some of us have drks, heros and nls at level 200 already, to run on nl is more money efficient even if your run will last a few more minutes you will spend less on potions. We used to bring warriors a bunch when we were actually leveling them but when you don't get exp its not rly worth it unless your nl is on cd. I'm not sure how well versed op is in hting or why he's even asking the question in the first place so I'm adding this last part just for some further explanation maybe it will help someone. Running with a fewer attackers and a bunch of mules is not for everyone it takes more time and is more risky, if you and your team is up for that then go ahead try it and see how it feels, I don't think you need to run with a certain set of classes either to have an efficient run and I don't think that efficient runs cant be fun either. Having a set team of people that you usually run with works best for these sort of runs since you need reliable players, if one person dcs or dies on even just 1 mule the run might be over. Running with more people is sometimes more efficient since you're less likely to fail the run completely and it will take less time hence less spending and more time over for other activities. edit: most people to my knowledge do not bring a bunch of mules on their runs and they usually don't run with less than 6 people, even the ones that sell htps.
after 500 hours of pain selling leech to buy decent gears i want to know whether i made the right choice buying 139 skis. all this effort cant go to waste if i cant even join the funded crew because i didnt run nl/bm
Gonna play Dark Knight? Hit up this guy, @allanklw. You got your dedicated SE that sticks to you 24/7.
I think no matter how good gear you have, you will have to build up a network of people that you run with, being well funded means you're likely to have it easier to find parties, not dcing or dying helps as well as playing a job that is most needed within the group of people that you know who ht. Drk is more dps than nl or bm as long as you're hitting more than 1 target. I think we can split the ht runners into 3 groups on this server; The community runners, people who run with BlackCatsHT they are likely to be doing runs with the 2nd or 3rd group as well. (Usually these are people just starting out their hting career and it is a super good way to get books and finding new friends/networking for future runs.) The normal 1 Party runners who recruit people through smegas, guild and buddy list, I think this is the biggest group of ht runners, these runs range from funded to unfunded, efficient to less efficient and so on. I think that most of these runs starts with a few buddies that sometimes need to recruit a few extra through smegas. If you're not one of the buddies then you're likely to have to tell your range and so on to get on to the run since recruiting through smegas theres competition for the spots. Protip - If you get in a run like this then add the people to buddy list so that the next time they will ask you if you're online! The less than 5 people runs, these are mostly funded players that has done many runs together with each other and are reliable enough not to dc or die even while bringing mules. I don't think these runs are very common however I wouldn't say they are super rare I know quite a few people who prefer to run this way. Running this way can be highly problematic like I've mentioned earlier it is more likely to fail and on top of that it might be quite hard to just replace one of the members of your normal team if he's not available not just because you don't know how reliable the replacement will be but also he needs to be able to play the same role as your old team mate like having the same mules and so on. I think that most people who run have been running within most of the 3 groups that i mentioned, usually you start at 1 or 2 and work your way down to 3 some people prefer to stay at group 2 and/or 1 I think since you've already worked hard to go with the funded group you're likely to end up in some version of group 3 eventually. I don't think the key ingredient to being in group 3 is being well funded however it does help. If running in group 3 is your goal i think this is the way to go about it: start by running and networking with people from groups 1 and 2 try to find people who has a similar goal as you preferably people who already has mules and/or are decently funded add them to bl or join their guilds another valuable thing to look for in a fellow ht runner is how active they are and making sure they are playing around the same times as you are, in the beginning you should add more people and be less picky, as time passes and you run with your new buddies you will know who is and who isn't going to join you in your group 3 adventures. I'm sure you already knew most of this, it is pretty much common sense, however I think there's been a lot of people complaining about how hard it is to find a party to run ht with unless you're like a super funded nl which I highly doubt it is. That's why I decide to explain how it works for the most part.
wow the blackcats ht system is really nice, ht for moneymaking even with 6 ppl isnt better than petri leech hour for hour ill definitely start doing ht with them. can definitely start solidifying my rep there ty hampa
Inregards to your this comment, First to look at the mesos you have saved up, and how much are you willing to invest in washing and gearing one up. Dark knights usually are one of the best choices out there, it being. The cheapest HP washing and the easiest to gear compared to other attackers. Comparing These Dark Knights wins Hero in DPS with SE (which is the usual team lineup) as mentioned in the above, but the thing that it contributes HB make it so much more of a greater choice. When selling a HTP, players tend to ask, is 7000HP enough, and there! Hey we have HB for you! Other benefits is washing this class only need that much of mesos to reach 18.5k together with HB easily hitting 30k. And the last part of dark knights positive points is, sky ski doesn't needs freaking Dex Compared to stonetooth! Saving the mesos required to wash that extra amount and On some dex gears can fund you perhaps that several more weapon attack glove! But the negative parts comes into play where A drk requires zerking to do their supposed damage. And berserking isn't as easy to learn & to master. You'll gain lots of problems at the beginning of the practice. But practice makes perfect right? That beserking makes drk so much more fun, Not just being a attacker class, but too a utility class.
Hero outdamage Drk unless you have both SE and SI (and then they are about on par with eachother). It's because crusher benefits a lot more from SI and SE than hero and in a solo condition/only with SE hero is stronger
Its fine you’ll find plenty of crews who will take you. Join a good bossing guild. Most people don’t join those random smega recruits but run with friends/alliances; even the funded people. At the end of the day you don’t need the fastest clear time but reliable non-dcing people who are fun to talk to. Dark Knight is just a little harder to play in HT compared to most other classes cause or zerk control and by no means an unwanted class. I run with plenty of buccs and those are much less popular and I myself play a marksman.
R>DK for HT Real talk, as someone who love to HT but lack a bit of HP because I realized hp washing too late, I add all DKs I know to invite them to friendly or public runs. DK if played right is the most useful class in HT with defense/attk crash. As a MM Ive experienced all type of team combinations, and it is always faster when there is DK in the team than pure NLs or a Hero as sed (crash range too low/not 100%).
How did you get the idea of htp seller parties only bring Bs, Se, Sed mules and Nls? Most people in the server go with a party of 6 and alot of people run atleast 1 melee (weather this be a drk or hero). Drk is one of the most useful classes in maple history due to their party skill "hyperbody". Take note that there are still some people that need hyperbody for HT runs. ***Even if your washed, it is nice to have hyperbody in the party. Also, bringing a melee is useful in HT runs because it can hit multiple targets and it can clear wyverns that spawn from HT more efficient than NL or BM. To start off, you might want to join two parties run or create your own with two parties to see what HT is like and eventually you can shorten it down to one party. In terms of the formation of HT runs, it varies. I have ran all sort of formations before because I like to see how each classes work in boss runs and I believe every class does play a role in HT. If you have a buccaneer in party, you can change up the formation of the party to benefit speed infusion, this might be including corsair marksman or another melee. Buccaneer can be the seduce target so you can focus on bersreking as well. I have also done 2Drks+1Bucc+1Bm+1Bs+1Nl before in the party, it worked fine for me. ***to get into boss runs, most importantly is networking and also have some decent equips (join an active bossing guild or make friends of who you boss with). I also have a horntail guide for seduce targets if you want to take a look, link is attached below. Horntail Guide for Seduce Target and Bishops If you have any other questions, you can contact me in game as well Hope this helps!
you know what, imma join every blackcats ht i can so theres always guaranteed hb available for 4 ppl (need a bs for my exp gains).