Why is it MageStory: Leech price almost doubled (mage/BS buffed) Price of Zak helm/book, HTP, krex ring does not change much CS/WS/att gears price goes 160% (attacker nerfed) (Merchant vs Grinder/bosser) the market gets much more perfect competed, no room for arbitrage (considering the opportunity cost that one could be leeching instead of merching) Although the price of Int scrolls and mage gears increases, for mage and bishop, its just to get more levels to 1 hit (or 2 hit for Bishop). So mage and Bishop aren’t actually affected much 称这个游戏为法师岛/法師谷的原因: Leech价格翻倍(加强了法师) 扎头(炎盔)、书,龙链,大树戒指价格几乎没变 混沌卷、白卷价格涨到160% (削弱了物理职业) (商人 vs 法师/物理职业) 市场趋于完美竞争,没有套利空间(特别是考虑了leech的机会成本之后) 虽然Int卷和法师装备价格有所上涨,但是要1 hit或者2 hit的话,法师只要多升几级就可以了,故而法师并没有削弱多少 This thread is just about me bullshiting. BTW, I love FP mage. Happy mapling. General Discussion on Making Meso Meso-EXP Leech Introduction
Ways of making meso: leeching (I used to do when I only have F/P and hs mule) merching (no longer viable but merching was the most fun part) AFK farming at Voodoo (stopper and NPC) or Leprechaun (NPC the equips): about 20m per hour ea channel. I have 4 or 5 bishops and a FP, so it's about 100m every hour of AFK farming. (All you need to do is recasting summons and NPCing the equips.) Bossing (a little meso. But i always do exp run cuz getting buyers wastes a lot of time.) 赚Meso方法: leech(我在只有法师的时候有leech过,后来去merching了。leech现在是最赚钱的活动) 买卖(现在没有利润了) 半挂机刷钱/心跳糖:在鬼屋的voodoo可以刷心跳糖;在鬼屋右边的图,有个图有相邻的两个钱袋怪Leprechaun,用召唤兽刷装备卖给NPC一小时能赚20m左右。我之前有5个还是6个法师,一小时的半挂机刷钱可以赚100m左右。 打boss(比较少钱)
Introduction of Meso-EXP Leech (金币车) This leech method is viable if you have access to large quantity of buyers, for example a discord group with 500 people. In Aug. 2016, I was farming at ror 4 and people seldom buys leech there. Then a thought came to me, that I could leech people with the rate 1 meso = 1 exp (in the days when leech price were 75m solo and exp rate was x4). I talked to some buddies in QQ chat group. Then Catbe and Tsu bought from me the meso-exp leech. The exp I remember was about 20m an hour (I was also leeching my dps char). I got about 800m from them. After that I found merching and scrolling more profitable (no for Aug. 2018) and quit leeching. This method soon was adopted by many Chinese. It was common that a bishop/mage was leeching 4-5 people. Someone even leeched about 20 hours a day. But was banned for using macro-bot and acc sharing (his gf/wife kept an eye on the client for him). For current exp rate (3.2) and leech price (150m), you could try 2-3 meso per EXP leech. A viable approach would be creating a thread where your customers could post their exp before and after leech so you can determine how much they should pay. 金币车介绍 如果有接触大量玩家的渠道(譬如qq群),可以试一下这个方法。 2016年8月我在时间神殿ror4带自己小号,但是这里很少人买leech。我就想到,为什么不按经验算钱呢?于是在qq群里介绍了一下,catbe和tsu向我买了leech,经验大概是20m每小时,一共收入800m左右。 当时的经验是x4的,一小时solo 1hit leech是75m,算法是1 meso = 1 exp,开始、结束的时候截图确定涨了多少经验再算钱。 现在经验x3.2,一小时150m,可以按2-3 meso = 1 exp算钱。