Kind of a minor peeve; shouldn't have much priority. PPQ was originally a Lv. 55-100 party quest; in this server it was changed from Lv. 70-100 for reasons I missed or am unaware. Though there are still some remnants of the PQ range starting at Lv. 55 (As shown in the image, as well as the quests relating to the PQ still being Lv. 55-100). While I won't suggest the level range to be changed back to how it was, as I am sure it's to better balance and spread the PQ's further out, especially with it's recent buff. Even though my own preference would be to have it how it originally was, I would still appreciate the minor fix of these remnants. Such as the notification of the PQ being available when you're Lv. 70 instead of 55, and the quest level changes. Not only for the sake of consistency, but also because when recruiting for PPQ, I've often had to turn down people who've yet to reach 70 due to them being mislead or not knowing this change. Small thing! Just thought I'd point it out.