I am neither Let me give you my reasoning ST Sword is "end game" gear Your Sword's stats are sub par at best Why would someone spend more than 1 bil for gear that is not up to standard for their end game material? No one else has even given you an offer (???) Offer rescinded dude
1. Your buddy over here bought a 128* ST for 2.4b, your argument is completely invalid. 2. Don't try to banter here now after I told you to scram. Do you know what "accepting" means? Don't offer your trash period, respect the post or don't comment. 3. Your english is REALLY bad for someone from the "US", I suggest you work on that before posting anywhere else at all. EDIT: Didn't mean to be so harsh.... but don't insult my item with junk, with clear intentions of resale. Sorry, not sorry.