IGN: Lathyris Class & level: Magician 15? Just started today so forgive me. Active timezone: GMT+1 Wasn't sure if I missed the train for low level players or if you were only seeking 120+ now, worth a shot at least~
Thank you for your interest! Unfortunately we are currently only recruiting 120+! I wish you good luck and all the best!
IGN: PrintScreen (178NL) Name: An Country of Origin: TW Active timezone: Whenever I got free time. Are you a weeb?: YES I AM Favourite anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Favourite hentai: Okabe Rintarō
IGN: HotTrash Name (optional): Katherine (Kath) Country of Origin: USA Active timezone: EST Are you a weeb? (Yes/No): Yes (in phases) Favourite anime (optional): Clannad Favourite hentai (mandatory): Bible Black Class & level: Bishop, 126
IGN: PanicBuild Name (optional): Hans (Hans) Country of Origin: USA Active timezone: CST Are you a weeb? (Yes/No): Yes Favourite anime (optional): Angel Beats Favourite hentai (mandatory): HotTrash Class & level: Crusader - 114
Fleur breaking the 50k points! A quick update on our guild's recruitment process; we are temporarily halting recruitment for the time being due to max capacity (yay!), but we might make a jr guild for Fleur in the future, so that people under 120 can join as well! As for Fleur itself, interested new members will have to wait until there are slots available! Thank you and long live Fleur!
Ign: lastdenial Level and class: 146 bm Timezone: GMT+8 I know guild is full atm but raury told me to make an application anyway so here am I
IGN: Ohboy Name: (optional) yiqian Country of Origin: Malaysia Active timezone: GMT +8 Are you a weeb?: (Yes/No) Yes Favourite anime: (optional) Your Lie in April Favourite hentai: (mandatory) N/A Class & level: Drk Knight - 179
Hello, a quick update on guild's recruitment! Currently we're still at max capacity () so it's kind of difficult to make space to recruit more at the moment! However, we have made a new subsidiary guild, Fleurir to accommodate this issue. Feel free to join Fleurir in the meantime as they are basically the same! Happy Mapling!
Recruitment is open again! If you are still interested to join Fleur you may proceed to whisper one of the jrs for an invite! Apprevoise/Futa/Qookies/Raury/Hanajo/sneeki/TooSlick