Hello I'm doing the quest named above and i"ve wondred, Does Mano exist in this servers? I've been waiting for hours and still he didn't show up. Thanks for your help, Dean
The quest is broken. (for some reason ) https://royals.ms/forum/threads/quest-specialist-guide.109922/
He does. Best way is to keep changing channel until you find him. If you can't find him on any channel, someone else has already killed him. Mano is such an easy boss that some people kill it on every channel they find him on to get some NX cards. But as Nevo mentioned, the quest is broken anyway, you can't turn it in when you killed Mano.
When Mano is killed, it can take up to 3 hours and 36 minutes for him to respawn. The shortest time you will have to wait is 2 hours 24 minutes.