Killed Chaossound using the power of Mudkip, but this is no normal Mudkip, this is the Mudkip in the form of Mudkipz. This Mudkipz has many special powers, such as Solar Beam and Hypnosis, how does this Mudkip have hypnosis, you ask? Because it's Mudkipz, Mudkipz is so cute that any wandering organism that gets a glimpse of Mudkipz will fall in love, and will endlessly pursue Mudkipz and beg for marriage until they get so tired they fall asleep, but even in the dreams will they continue to chase Mudkipz. This is an everlasting sleep, similar to a Coma, or a death with a beating heart. However, this isn't like Itachi's Infinite Tsukuyomi, you feel no pain when you set your sight on Mudkipz, you will be flawlessly drawn in to his cuteness and beauty, and enjoy ecstasy forever in your dreams. No one has lived to tell the tale, such that they never wake up even with the largest shock. The only method to save someone under the Hypnosis of Mudkipz is by forcing that man to drink a 4L Jug of Liquid Uranium, this will free the organism from the Hypnosis, however, this would also kill the organism. Therefore, concluding from the majestic and powerful cuteness of Mudkipz, getting killed by Mudkipz is a joy, a wealth of experience, and a form of happiness. Chaossound has set sights on this Mudkipz, so he shall sleep, Amen. -Mudkipz 2014, September 9th