i used calculator, and input 3.6k hp at lvl 30 (to count the increased 2nd & 3rd job adv hp increase) and it said to get 18750 hp by 155 i need.... SEVEN base int & 147 apr. is this really true that you dont need int equips (zhelm & depstar at 50 will compensate for the 3 int loss from 30-50)
A DK should never add base INT - it should be possible to reach your goal with just equips. 7 total INT however, sounds low. 3.6K HP at Lv30 you say... This sounds a bit too high? Which calculator are you using? A good one should already take those gains into consideration, from job advance i mean. And at Lv. 30 you should have got the boost from 2nd job already? But I believe you gain just MP when advancing to spearman anyway.
hp buff lets you gain 700 hp now. I added the buffed HP gain in the calculator as the old one did not count it. I meant 7 total int not base int soz
I believe that is incorrect. We can read the following in #54 update notes: Job advancements have received increased HP gain. Players have also been retroactively refunded the difference as follows: Warrior: 3rd job advancement now gives 1000-1050 HP instead of 300 - 350 HP 4th job advancement now gives 1800-1850 HP instead of 300-350 HP So 2nd job gives no more HP now than it did before. I can try help you out. May I ask what your current Level (30?), HP (2900?) and MP is (without Hyper Body)? I believe the right answer should be you need like 50 total INT to reach 18750 by Lv.155. But if you give me those data, I can calculate exactly for you. Also, keep in mind that if you plan to do the quest Water from the Spring of Youth, you can set your goal to 17750 (will translate into 18750)
i havent created the character yet, i still need 10b more to make to buy my last att gear. i just went with the average lvl 30 spearman hp mp. a set of hp quest etcs is 550m, so using 20 apr to wash the 1k is cheaper so probs wont be doing the quest
Since update 54, warriors gain approximately 2200 more HP from Job Advancements and 1000 HP from "Water from the Spring of Youth" quest series. That reduces the burden by 3200 HP. Edit: However Shiyui's calculator already includes the 2200 HP bonus from job advancements An average HP washing goal for Drk is 18750 HP at lvl 135 so one can jump into bossing (Zak etc.) right away. With less burden, goal HP for lvl 135 can now be reduced to 18750 - 1000 = 17750 HP According to Shiyui's stats, average spearman at lvl 30 has 1256 HP and 329 MP If we enter the known values into the calculator now... We can see a drk will need a total of 40 INT from lvl 30~ lvl 135. Meaning you need 36 int from int gears. If we enter 35 INT for int gear stats... it shows error so we know 40 is the minimum total int required for target goal HP. If your goal lvl for hp washing is 155, you only need 30 total int so 26 INT is required from int gear. MAKE MORE DRKS THEY ARE EASIEST TO WASH
So as a spearman (DRK) with the goal of being ready to rumble @ lv 135, is this the correct calculations? Current stats Level: 52 HP: 3116 MP: 551 Base INT: 4 INT from equips: 0 So all I need is 6 INT on my gear, giving me 10 INT total.. and then 79 AP resets over the course of level 52 -> 135?? After learning about the trials and tribulations of HP, I ceased leveling my DRK and have been working on a cleric. Thanks for all your help
Although it shouldn't make any difference with 4 base int, your calculation includes mp washing from lvl 53 for unknown reason. I'd suggest taking that out for more accurate result.
Thanks for the tips! I recalculated. So it looks like I need 20 INT total from here on out, and 82 resets over the next 80 levels.
Didn't @Shiyui include those 2200 HP in the calculator already? (not the 1000 from quest for obvious reasons) If it's done, I believe the result will be inaccurate if you subtract those HPs again. EDIT: On July 19th the following was posted
O dayum I never read that part. Thanks for notifying me. Indeed my calculations are inaccurate and need readjustment without extracting extra 2200 hp.
I recalculated and changed the previous post. However, the result shows that one needs 40 total int from lvl 30~135 which is weird. This was the same amount one needed before HP boost update. 3200 HP is quite a big difference but int requirement didn't change. I think there might have been a mistake in the calculator.