I had this thought, even though I played Maplestory for about 13 years I never did APQ, I never killed Pink Bean and I never had a Axe Warrior. What are some things you never did or have?
wow.. where to start!! i've never killed horntail (about to change really soon) i also never killed Pink Bean :3 ive never had or even tried to create a Gunslinger or White Knight. ive never married ive never won perfect godly from gatch ive never craft item other then work gloves. ive never conected to more then 3 other players who i can called good friends.. ive never had Almighty Ring and Horntail Necklace and lastly Mark of Naricain.. i have a lot to fulfil!
Never reached Lv. 120 on anything but a DK. Never attempted to fight Castellan. Reached Lv. 175 just this week though.
Whaaaaaaat make a Shad right now, it's great enjoyment. It doesn't feel clunky and it's really unique.
I was planning to! But I loaned all my low level DEX/accuracy gear to a guildy and they quit a year ago I wanted to use those weird LVL22 thief shields haha. Also meso explosion looks boring to me.
Never crossed lvl 90 lol i i was an infant back in the day pretty dumb too didnt know where to grind killing mobs for 10 percent for half an hour approx
I never found that white lady in Perion. She is as hard to find as Cleopatra is, my search is still on till this day!
Never participated in any Gm Event Never advanced a Swordsman into a Page Never got Past Lv 90 Never got married Never obtained ilbi's after killing probably almost 100 Mushmom in original server But i did make 80% of my friends doing countless PQ's, the other 20 i must have met just messing around
I never bought nx. never trolled people. now its like my full time job. never apq'd though I was married. Never got to 3rd job. Eventually did after was a henny hoe lol Never forgave myself for losing my friends dep star from a vaccer. Never played a archer.
I never pink beaned, never find arwen's glass shoe, never find nependeath honey, never reached 30k hp on DrK... ... never forget maple was good before v83.