oh dear, is it gonna be like old maplestory all over again? With the battle mages, Cygnus knights.. I seriously hope not.
I think Db's would break this game just because they're the strongest pre BB class. The gms don't want to add any more class to the game because they want to keep the original 5 classes for nostalgia reasons
There are only 4 classes in the true nostalgia maple btw, tho "nostalgia" is open for interpretation basically anything and everything can be called "nostalgia".
They're not. Easily outclassed by NL, sair, aran prebb. They have an ultimate full screen but its outclassed by mage ultimates. They're a jack of all trades master of none class. Their crit buff doesn't stack with SE (SE usually being the prefered buff). Everytime someone asks if DB will be added someone says no because they're overpowered compared to other classes, but they are not overpowered. Regardless Matt has boldly stated he wants to keep it to just the classic jobs + pirates.
The ultimates of DBs and Mages are more or less the same - Mages hit hard, whereas the DB's Sudden Raid hits fast, so it somewhat evens out. DBs can be pretty good bossers, but definitely not the best. Great mobbing class, though.