Hey Friends, I really want Spiky Tail Hair (Shikimaru hair) and I've been searching everywhere for confirmation about where to get it. So far, I cant find anything confirming. All ive seen is rumours about NLC EXP coupons and/or Showa Reg, but no one seems sure. Can anyone tell me with certainty where to get it before I start tanking my NX into it? Thanks guys!
I'd point you towards this guide, but I can't find the hair you're looking for https://royals.ms/forum/threads/updated-hairstyle-guide.103461/ Edit: You can also buy hair coupons with mesos if you'd rather not spend NX :3
Thanks! I found that guide too, unfortunately no info on Spiky Tail. I checked the donor beauty assistant too and unfortunately its not in there either.
You're most likely thinking of something from the Donator Hairstyle coupon. I was like you, and spent a good month or so wondering where the heck all these high levels were getting their fancy hair from. Also no, the donor hairstyles are not reflected in that guide, nor is there another guide that DOES show all of them. Trust me, i checked. Those hairstyles can only be bought with real money, as in, you donate, you get RP or Royal points, which can be exchanged for the Donor Hairstyle Coupon in the cash shop, and use it to change your hair from the barber you see hanging out in FM for no reason next to the guy that sells fast travel tickets. I'm honestly not sure whether you can sell those donor hairstyle tickets, or the RP themselves with meso, so you might have ask a gm or something.
This hairstyle? It's from NLC (EXP), you have to buy the coupons from the Salon Assistant for 2m each. Source: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/where-is-the-spiky-tail-hairstyle.116946/