S/B: 1.2b A/W: 1.6b C/O:430m Thuan0511 Bidding over! S/B: 500m A/W: 650m S/B: 1.2b A/W: 1.5b SOLD! S/B: 1.1b A/W: 1.5b C/O: 1b Jumpin Bidding over! A/W: 1.5b Sold in game for a/w Wog Chair C/O: 800m Keith C Sold! Stone Golem Hand Chair S/B: 500m A/W: 700m Mochi Ice Cream Chair S/B: 400m A/W: 600m Desert Bunny Chair S/B: 600m A/W: 900m Chair on the range S/B: 250m A/W 450m Dragon Lord Chair C/O: 215m BestHero Bidding Over! Black Dragon Devil Chair C/O: 200m BestHero Bidding Over! Chief Miwok Chair S/B: 200m A/W: 400m Fund me please. ACCEPTING CS @ 390m WS @ 400m 1B Coin (Duh) In no rush to sell any of these so I will probably end bidding in one week so Thursday the 18th! Will be selling my soul at Petri in the meantime. HMU if you want to buy leech (Just kidding don't... I will smega if I feel like selling)