Character Name: Avana Last thing you did: Pretty sure I was hanging out in Henesys Why do you think you got banned?: I have no idea. I don't remember doing anything that might've gotten me banned. Ban message when attempting to log in: "This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection." What GM banned you (optional): I know resetting your router sometimes fixes the problem in this situation, but I've tried and it hasn't. Any help would be appreciated !
My bad. I have Avana and McKayla on my main account. On my other account I have Airce and some others, but I can't remember all of them.
I own BKBurger, I think. I'm not sure about MAGA2020. That might be my brother's character, but I honestly can't remember.
I asked my brother about it and he owns both of those characters. BKBurger and MAGA2020. He doesn't play anymore though.
what about LilRaskal, Kyboo9999, patb99, MWaffle, PGJim, CynArchael, Page10, PlzMePlz, LAssassin, Number15, Boxf ?
May i know where do you normally play this game from? specifically your connections, devices, and households.
Connections - IP Address : Devices - I play on my dell all-in-one desktop and my dell laptop. Households - I usually just play in my house, but sometimes I go out of town for vacations and family visits. (I live in the USA. Since I've played royals I think I've played around Washington, Montana, and Florida.)
We're not asking for your IP address just yet. We're more concern on where you login to your accounts from, using whose PCs, playing on Wi-Fi or cable, etc.
Both the PC and the Laptop that I play on belong to me. I'm the only one that uses them. I play on Wi-Fi.
I have three older brothers that would play occasionally a couple months ago. We'd all play together every once in awhile. All three had their own PC's that they'd play on so three different devices. I'm the only one in my family that has stayed consistent with Mapleroyals.
i believe someone among your household was hacking, could you please provide the igns of all your brothers for further checking
Sorry for the wait. I had to get in contact with one of my brothers who's attending college at the moment. (At the time he was playing, he was visiting home) After some discussion with my other two brothers these are some of the character names we were able to scrounge up! My two brothers characters (That are in the same household currently) BKBurger, BKFoot, (BKFoot might be my character but we weren't exactly sure so I'm still putting it), BKLettuce, MAGA2020, Number15 (?) We're not too sure about Number15, but I feel like it was one of them. My other brothers characters (That isn't currently living with us) NothingWrong, AscendedMan, IKnowDaWey
That's not his character, no. He did say it belonged to his friend though. He said his friend is a new player and hasn't really been on too much because of school.