For those who knew me, my name is known as Keith and Keith C on forum, I really wish to grasp on this chance and thank the community and the players out there that offered me these chances to show how my attack gears were made, I never knew the latest accomplishment thread was actually a place to "defend" yourselves from gossiping. Over 3 years of royals, I started off with my bishop and was just a nameless player, selling some leech , farms ulu 2 all day, buying low price items and sell for some little profit, but I did have a lot of fun. I am really grateful that I met countless of people that were nice and friendly during the journey. Shout out to MYKAKIS, and all my friends that were from Protagonist. Putting these on the side, man said you should be proud of what you've made. 20 attack face stomper This was the last screenshot i took before my hands were shaking and really needed @Hampa 's mw 20 to help me finishing off these shoes. Can't really remember the exact process, but it turned purple when it was 13/2. end result , for those who can't see please blame my shitty cropping skills , the magic def turned into 13. My highest attempt was 18 wa, which was a shoe I scrolled around last Christmas and been self using for a year , and it was sold to @AhLiGaddo 24 wa bwg Throughout a long period, Countless of attempts on scg's/bwg's, just to try and upgrade my gloves. Countless of great stuffs I scrolled, @Crested knows scg's/bwg's were my nightmares. This was probably my over 20th gloves I attempted this year, 30% it, 3/6>8/5>12/4, and held this stat for over a month just to wait for my cape sold, @syrupface127 shout out to James, you low key helped me finished off these gloves. 20wa cape Bought this from my James, it was originally 10/3 it was scrolled around a month ago right in front of this man's face. @syrupface127 If you have any processing related questions, please do ask me here ! For all the gm's out here, if you still have a doubt please do pm me or let me know what other info you would want to know. Even if your'e just bored and just for entertainment purposes =)
Decided to try a belt on my first NL for fun. Apparently it was too much fun. I wish this was permanent :C
You know how people are sometimes like, "If you're with someone who's amazing, and great, and everything positive in between, you can spend forever with them in silence and it wouldn't be awkward. A comfortable silence"? Well, that sort of happened when I duo'd Krex with my amazing partner 3) and... spent most of the time just holding down one button. xd First time Krex so I'm super happy. (Except the ring was a gray one, urgh. 2/1/1/2. Oh wells.)