"What's up? I'd like to talk to you about something I'm curious about. Let's go. Well, you see... a lot of people tend to have a very variable opinion about their definition of rude. For me, a rude player is a player who KS me, insult me, etc. But for others, it could be an entirely different thing. So, for you, what is a rude player? Or atleast, what is your personal definition of rude? Yeah, that's what I wanted to ask. Thanks very much." Perfect example below RUDE NOT RUDE Thịt kho tàu "Caramelized pork and eggs is a Vietnamese traditional food consisting of marinated pork and boiled eggs braised in coconut juice." dude gave Thịt kho tàu a bad name ffs Spoiler
Sorry, I'm a little rude "If I were to meet you in a real life, trust me, you would be laying on your back bleeding and hearing the ambulances coming in 10 seconds or less. So don't come to me with that tone, man" Hahaha use this phrase when you meet a rude people..
so you must show the evidence )) BTW: the rule player to me is the kind of people who make a story and cry in forum to get fame ) Spoiler: ví dụ có 1 con chó thích bảo vệ môi trường nhưng không tìm thấy thứ gì mất vệ sinh, nó bèn ỉa 1 bãi cứt và ăn nó
It's unfortunate that I did not captured actual evidence of him directly KS-ing me, I wasn't really planning on reporting him in the first place. Here's why. Because he remained silent for a good 3-4 minutes, from that I deduced that ThitKhoTau thought he found an "empty" map while I was away npc-ing my shit, so he cast his phoenix and afk for a bit. Highly plausible right? Which is why I let it slide, but what do I get in return? A big "fku" to my face.. totally uncalled for ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)━炎炎炎炎炎炎炎炎 Now, let's go back to the picture. In that brief 4-5 minutes, did I say or do anything that deserved a "fku"? No. So why do you think @thitkhotau got so worked up @TrungKien , because he OBVIOUSLY did summoned his phoenix trying to farm, but realized the map belonged to someone else that's why he hurled an insult and left. Please don't defend your friend and say shit just for the sake of saying, use some common sense and not waste each others time thank you. Please, you can go to my profile and track back all my post dude, I'm the least confrontational. But I'm petty af tho, I will join y'alls boss runs and white every single one of you mofos and post it right here so I can rub it in your face. dont @ me ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
Back with another rude fuck. This happened last year. I was wishing @Tranquility a.k.a Christina Happy Birthday through megaphones. rip we need to stop addressing Christina as Bob @Sof *also pls ban thanks* Spoiler and @Alice719 is still R>zak quad and S>helms pm her
Rude player example: Player X: R>Warrior and attackers for XXYYZZ boss. Me: can I come with my Pally? Player X: Can you bring NL instead?
Nah, it's rude to ask for buffs. Look at all the NLs and learn from them - they never ask for buffs. You go and do like them.