So first I would like to apologize to certain people that I may have offended with my previous post. It was very long and elaborate, and purposely indirect. The fact that I wanted to keep the details indirect, however, is what led to the context of the thread being misunderstood. There was a lot of hidden intentions behind this thread that I will get into. Still, I enjoyed the memes and that's why I'm still around after all. With this post, I will try to keep things more short and direct to really clarify things. The first thing I want to clarify is that a lot of what I wrote in regards to my viewpoint and history with @ABunny is that I wanted to give my honest thoughts on the whole matter. I believe some people were given the wrong idea that I was trying to defend her, which wasn't made very clear in the first place. Before I get further into it, my intention was never to defend or clear her name myself. One of my main intentions for the thread was to encourage her to do it herself. But I've explained in some detail how she really is (not giving a shit) and she still hasn't made any attempt to do something about it, to no surprise of mine. In fact, let me be a little more direct about this; I am well aware that she does have some legit history of 'scamming', especially among people she doesn't consider her 'friends'. Take that what you will. Even though we're still friends, the fact is after a lot that's happened in the past few months and my suspicions of her still hiding something have personally made me lose a fair amount of trust in her. If she has anything to say for the matter after reading this, she is welcome to do so, otherwise I'll just leave it at that. As for the Tl;dR on the RWT issue involved, she "scammed" the 29 attack sock, among a few other items because the other party was planning to sell it for real money. The next thing I want to make clear is, because of poor editing on my post, a certain Guild may have gotten the wrong idea. I know you guys are trying to make a fresh start for yourselves, but you guys should know better than to think I would do anything to go against the efforts I've made recently. I hope the past doesn't continue catching up to you guys and I'm aware of the conflicts that still exist as well as some perceptions. Just know that I personally hold no bias towards any of you. The last thing I want to mention in regards to this is, a lot can be resolved by speaking to others directly rather than just among yourselves. That is something I hope you guys learned because I know personally that has been an issue with the group. I wasn't very direct about it but that takeaway was one of my intentions when mentioning the community blacklist. Of course, my intent regarding that matter goes even further. In light of recent events and seeing people I used to know being exposed, now its time to be direct about the main intention I had behind my thread and finally 'breaking my silence'. The real intention of my post was mostly hidden behind a lot of details regarding ABunny, and I will finally "Shed some light". Actually if any of you remember, the title of that post was a small reference to this ( Before I get into it, I will provide some history behind my actions and integrity. Spoiler: Backstory In mid-2017 I had a lot of frustrations with the server, as with many others at the time. I did end up quitting around the end of July in 2017 over matters regarding the state of the server, lack of staff transparency on things, and the increased amount of abuse going on. During this time, the duping exploit had come to light thanks to a guild member of mine who reported it at the time. However I was pretty sick of the server and ended up quitting until March of 2018. You guys have @Dre to thank for me being back and still sticking around.(If he never messaged a nobody like me on discord asking me to log back on for his 200 party I'd probably still be gone.) Not longer after, the Hitta story came up. Dre himself personally spoke to him and another person regarding many matters behind the scenes and that would eventually lead him to quit the game. I think Hitta somewhat praised Dre for actually working hard on the game, which ended up feeling empty to him. I've been torn about him quitting ever since and now I wish I had done more and taken action at the time. I want to point out that alot of this still goes on today, especially since there is no auto-ban system yet in place to mitigate the severity of RWT on this server. In fact, i made some indirect hints on my post that Hitta is probably still around here. His actions were elaborate enough to go undetected for a long time after all, and he did only get busted for vote abuse. One of my suspicions on him being the contact behind a certain person. I did mention a few names directly on my post but some of it was in good fun. In fact, many of the emotes I put around the post wasn't just me being fun, but to 'hint' on some forms of illegitimacy. During the time I spoke to Dre he had learned a few names and shared them with me. Most of them has been put to justice in one way or another as of now, but there is one particular name that I strongly hinted in my post that is still around. Out of respect for the people involved however, I won't say this name directly. But for the sake of my friend who quit over this matter I hope this will eventually be resolved. Who knows, maybe hes really innocent and people really like him. I will say I was close to having a lead but now that it's gone dark, I have nothing more to share on the matter. I will also say that I think this person is pretty chill and have no problems with him. But if the truth comes out one day and they get a 'lock' on him, I hope he'll still be laughing and having fun. So that's it for now as I will be going on hiatus soon but y'all are free to continue the memes for me if I come back. Lastly, to whom it may concern, I hope you're proud of yourself because I wonder how Dre would feel if he learns about what you tried to do. Dre really looked up to you as one of the top Buccaneers on this server and I hope you're happy with the example you set.
Looks like I have to step in, this post is not a meme. I did have a lot fun with my first post and my intent was unclear but this time I think I'm being pretty clear if anyone reads it. Although I don't mind people meming on my post, I'm quite disappointed so far on the lack of relevant input on any matter I've raised.
I can already sense the bias against me considering how my first post was. Feel free to think my post is deserving of meme responses. What should be obvious is that nothing has been said so far regarding what I have tried to clarify, especially from the related parties. If you don't understand something feel free to ask?
TLDR, I'm trying to explain what I was trying to do with my previous post, apologize to certain people about some misunderstandings, and call out illegitimate players. I'm starting to wonder if there's a point now, since I'm put under bias and whatever I say is falling on deaf ears.
why don't you just call said people out and be done with it and thus maybe ppl will have better input in this matter. this feels like someone who's tip toeing around the issue, but what you really wanna do is get in there and stomp it the fuck out. aka whos said top bucc, since Jackson is banned already
I think most users are just jabbing at you on long-winded your post is, even you yourself admit how unnecessarily long your post is. Making things indirect and vague just generate a lot of speculation, which doesn't really help to clear things and just create more confusion in the end. Furthermore, most of the community has already moved pass from this incident.
First, your sense needs some fixing because that's what you think of us. Believe me, I think most of the staff aren't even aware of your previous thread until we locked it as it got out of hand. If you still don't get it, we don't see a need to make a respond to your post. Whatever we read, we will discuss internally if it's worthy enough. This is especially the case when it involve RWTers. Rather than waiting for us to ask, if you are really willing to help, you'd have stepped forward and offer your info. Not the other way around.
I completely understand, although from what I can tell I'm obviously not being taken seriously by the others here, despite what thoughts staff members might have. I'll also add that prior to making these posts, I have spoken to staff and some other players about the information I had already throughout the months. However with certain cases in question, I've started to grow some frustration from lack of progress and I've had enough with keeping my silence. As I mentioned in the post, a certain case I've been looking at had a lead that went dark. It didn't help that over time even less has been said on this certain matter that I've been paying attention to personally. Whether it matters now, I decided against mentioning more details here so as to not cause any further trouble, and will discuss them in private. I'd also like to formally apologize to someone that have been personally affected by my current state of mind on this matter.