IGN: Dulcissime Name: Khristian Age: 25 Job: I/L Mage Level: 71 Timezone: EST Discord (yes/no): Yes Ban History? (We'd like to know): Nonezo Purpose For Joining: I'm revisiting Maplestory for the first time since I was a teenager, and I would like to meet friends! I'm older and on the more relaxed end of things, and this guild seems to have the kind of atmosphere that I believe I would mesh with well. Describe Yourself Briefly: I'm a history teacher from New York (plenty of free time for the next several weeks...), listen to one song at a time for a week straight, consider myself rather gregarious and am always looking for people to chat with! A big part of what brought me back to the game was stumbling on a Christmas present I had gotten from a friend off of Maplestory back in 2009; I met people there that I was friends with for years and years. Maybe I won't find that here, but it's worth a shot!
Ign: LadyTohru Name: Vicki Age: 22 Job: Cleric Level: 49 Timezone: EST Discord: Yes Ban History? (We'd like to know): None Purpose for joining: I want to meet new friends, talk about anime (if you watch anime) and you guys seem friendly Describe yourself briefly: I'm a friendly and approachable person and I always like to help people in need. Thanks
IGN: Loxe Name: Dor Age: 20 Job: Priest Level: 107 Timezone: GMT +3 Discord (yes/no): YES Ban History? (We'd like to knowa): none Purpose For Joining: well, i've been looking for a while for an ACTIVE friendly clan that i can join, I really want to meet new friends that i could chat with \ discuss with \ laugh with. I've seen many Resignation members when i waddle around the server and from what i've seen in the clan description it seems like a great place to have a laugh and good times. Describe Yourself Briefly: Well, my name is Dor, I'm 20 years old, Right now i serve in the military so i'm online mostly on the weekends, but i do login few times a day to check my store and say hello. I like anime. I enjoy playing the piano and guitar, and love dogs ! i've joined the server around a month ago, unlike most players ive never played the old maplestory, so when i tried it first in Royals i loved it right away. I do like to ask lots of questions, very curious by nature and eager to learn. (and secretly sometimes i steal 5k NX from Aaon when we hunt bigfoots) hopefully u'd add me, looking forward to a reply see ya in game.
IGN: Shyva / Wynchester - Theses are the 2 characters i play Name: Jim Age: 23 Job: Carpenter or you know, bishop / dark knigh Level: 120 bish / 124 dk Timezone: UTC -5 Discord (yes/no): Yessir! Ban History? (We'd like to know): Never, Purpose For Joining: I've played this far 95% alone and to be honest i'm a little bored leveling alone I'd also like to meet more users to talk to and discuss ingame or outgame things Describe Yourself Briefly: Not much to say here unless maybe that i like metal, mangas ( especialy berserk ) and gintonics OH and my 2 cats and the gf is alright too i guess
IGN: herobust Name: Jason Age:22 Job: Bishop Level: 159 Timezone: PST Discord (yes/no): sometimes Ban History? (We'd like to know): no Purpose For Joining: Horntail Describe Yourself Briefly: Tired
IGN: RyuVeldora Age:23 Job: Dragon Knight Level: 90 Timezone: GMT+8 Discord (yes/no): no Ban History? (We'd like to know): None Purpose For Joining: Playing Maple alone is cancer, wanna have some fun Describe Yourself Briefly: I'm a cool student in a college
IGN: Ishpaw Name: Jasmine Age: 18 Job: Night Lord Level: 160 Timezone: UTC-8 Discord (yes/no): yea im in your discord Ban History? (We'd like to know): no Purpose For Joining: idk i smega'd "j> guild lv159 nl" and chris invited me and i wanted to make this even though im already in the guild Describe Yourself Briefly: i sit around doing nothing in mapleroyals and cry that im not rich
IGN: BassBrigade Name: Luke Age: 21 Job: Dark Knight Level: 148 Timezone: PST Discord (yes/no): Yes Ban History? (We'd like to know): None Purpose For Joining: Need a guild to do boss runs with Describe Yourself Briefly: Been playing Royals for 4 years on and off
IGN: Wacko Name: Mike Age: 19 Job: Night Lord Level: 153 Timezone: EST Discord (yes/no): Yes Ban History? (We'd like to know): None Purpose For Joining: Guilds give me the motivation to come online Describe Yourself Briefly: On and off since new source hit, recently left my old dead guild after finding out GPQ reset RIP LoveHandles