Imagine you bring your non-mage character to Snowman fight with 100 hard earned snow after hrs of waitting and you recieve potions as reword. It does not matter what reword it gives though. What is sad is that we do not have a chance to hold a snowman fight for friends when we dont have any mage character.
and then we practically make the people who invest the most meso into snow win the guild snow race id rather make the guilds that are most dedicated to gathering snow win, than have guilds practically pay their way to the leaderboard
LOL I totally forgot that. Just came back from a short break 3 days ago and feel that snowman event is less lively than I expected. Maybe I should delete this thread. It's a dumb idea.
How about making the snow that involves TRADE doesn't count to the guild snow event? But well, that'll be too much work to do... sighs, now the HP washing characters gonna farm snow themselves, at least we have HHG
Make the green one tradeable instead. More trades = more meso sink. The rewards are all cosmetic so this shouldn't be bad. I meant why is the food from pig tradeable but not the green thing?
It appears to me that guild contest encourages ppl to join new active better ranking guild more than stick together and earn the reword. 500 donation of snow to a new guild at the end of the event does not seem hard.
I'm not sure how this will play in the market's economy (or if it even will). But if these do become trade-able, I'd be willing to give all these snow away. Spoiler: Lots Of Snow I've been holding on to them since last year, hoping that they could be put to good use.
Bosses drop snow in groups of 100+ and they drop several clumps. Actually faster to get snow through bosses than by using a mage