How do you feel about the nerf to summon farming?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by akash, Dec 13, 2018.


Do you like the fact that pets can no longer loot items from monsters killed by summons?

  1. yes

    173 vote(s)
  2. no

    162 vote(s)
  1. MaiAh

    MaiAh Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2017
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    still it wasnt legit to multiclient many got ban (still many get ban doing so)
    am not aginst multiclient i just want be fair used not over kill multitasking
    that kind of farming it's so wrong and broken and makes maplestory diff game
    people lose motivation to farm when they know their efort dosn't worth with 1-2client only

    and i know people find way to get around it and allways will be way
    it's up to us how maplestory will be
    no matter what rules people just break to get more and more without care if that hurts the game
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2018
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  2. iSaind

    iSaind Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2016
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    I think in the end it should have been Implemented waaaaay sooner... Probably when new source was fairly new. I remember there wasnt many player online at that time and many many ppl I knew from old source either quitted or went to other maplestory private servers.

    What comes now is very Radical and most likely gona be disliked

    To make it up to the guys who invested so much time in making the Farm mules would be just a completly Server wipe (Everyone) with no multi clienting , no more Autohp pots and no more afk farming. Everyone would get a clean restart.
    Yes its a Ideia which many ppl would be against it and many would quit if that happens.

    Its how I see it. If you damage 1 small part of the community badly ( The Hardcore Stopper Farmers) then atleast lets make it fair and damage everyone.
    However my guess the Heavy Stopper Farmers are just a small percentage. So it wont really matter whatever we say.

    Anyway i ve lost the motivation now and quitted. Doesnt mean I wont be active on forum. In fact ill be more active

    Here is 80% of my Army. Pure dedication to make them all:. Remember there are some missing couldnt open more than 20-22 ... My 3rd pc which i was about to order with the Hardware pieces I mentioned earlyer... Well the update came like exactly in that week where I was thinking to spend money for it or not to make it 30 Clients able.

    Atleast the update saved me Real life money I guess? haha :p

    Anyway #SaveStopperFarm
    Cynn, jaydenlim and Mrkaren like this.
  3. Don

    Don Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2015
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    This game just got too hard
    jaydenlim, Mrkaren and iSaind like this.
  4. CerealnOats

    CerealnOats Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2018
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    Why do you make it sound like the devs owed you anything that they have to make it up to you? You guys were more than made up for solely on the amount of money you guys made. If they made the change from the start, you might have already quit since ages ago and surely not be sitting on a fraction of the wealth you have now with this kind of mindset.

    Also, why does everyone have to have their progress wiped for you? Who are you? Should we also share what you have earned from summon farming? >__>
    Ayane, MoriForest, iSaind and 5 others like this.
  5. Doge

    Doge Donator

    Jul 10, 2016
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    An exploit isn't necessarily a bug, it's more of something that's gained to your advantage and most of them break the game's nature. In example, among of the most popular exploits is the bunny hoping technique that's used in most source games, particularly in valve games. Bunny hopping has became more of a skill than a bug itself, because it's something that you need to practice over for months if you want to master it and even then, it's hard not to miss a single hop during the whole run if you play without using any scripts. But unlike the farming exploit, it's not something that takes skills to master, you just spam the summon skill and you loot without providing the least effort to it and gain massif profit from it.

    Regardless, because it's something that anyone could do without making the slightest effort, it should be restricted with a patch that doesn't allow people to cheat and that should convince them to earn mesos in a more legit manner.
    Besides, why would anyone spend their time farming? It's no fun because you aren't playing the game and it's easy enough to make mesos in this game, you can already vote and the drop rates are high enough to find good scrolls and equipements to sell.
    iSaind, KWJ, NTR and 2 others like this.
  6. MaiAh

    MaiAh Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2017
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    brokenstory 30clients farming omg ~f7
    not even close to GMS nostalgy
    close it can be compared it's hackers that we all know what they did to market/game with such farming
    i hope you change your mind and come back pq/bossing and leav that broken farming
    don't know anymore as royalers want
    MoriForest, iSaind, NTR and 2 others like this.
  7. tazan

    tazan Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    LOL it makes me wonder where the GMs would draw the line

    like what makes account sharing unfairly advantageous and deserving of perm ban
    1 player/30 clients

    i'm glad it's basically fixed now
    iSaind, NTR, Shnang and 1 other person like this.
  8. ifrifri

    ifrifri Member

    Dec 26, 2018
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    This seems to be an illustration of how multiclient and farming encourage pay-to-win.
    iSaind likes this.
  9. Tentomon

    Tentomon Donator

    Feb 8, 2014
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    no idea
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    Are you expecting sympathy...?

    Makes me even happier that this exploit was stopped
    ClumsyHusky, Shnang, Dudu and 2 others like this.
  10. iSaind

    iSaind Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Before I begin writing. I would like to apologize beforehead for my english not being the best. As Im not a native english speaker. If you would like to correct my english. Please feel free to send me a inbox message. I'm going to recover some of my english writing skills. :) Thank you!
    Also if anyone have any problems at understanding I can write in Portuguese , spanish or german.

    @MaiAh Whats the issue about this Farming ? I always farmed + boss or grind. Does it have to be nostalgia ? It was a option ingame which many ppl have used and improved.
    Not to mention im not the only one with this kind of system. There are way more hardcore ppl then me. For example @Ivan Chavez. With massive gold tooth farming mules and 300 fames mules...

    @ifrifri pay to win ? Okay would you kindly explain why its pay to win ? I didnt buy any mesos. The Army to create is pure dedication if you think how much time it takes to create them ? Not sure how you came to this conclusion being pay to win. Pay to win is for me to sell NX by charging with Real money and then sell it ingame for mesos , equipment.

    If you have other therm about it. Pleasestate it out. Thank you

    @Tentomon Mr Tentomon. I dont know why you came to that result of expecting sympathy. Im merely saying that in the beginning of new source there wasnt many player cuz of many broken stuff. Its a fact.

    Then I said I gave a ideia. And in the End I merely said how I feel about it. Its a thread about how ppl feel about it.

    If i was expecting any sympathy ? I dont know. However please explain me on which sentence and how do you came to this conclusion. Thank you

    A question to you. How do you feel about this? Do you think its a exploit? Why do you think about it ?

    @tazan I dont think they would ever drew a line there as there is other ppl who did way more then me. My guess it is just a small percentaje of the playerbase @Ivan Chavez

    @CerealnOats "Why do you make it sound like the devs owed you anything that they have to make it up to you?"

    Hello Ms CerealnOats. To me personaly? Its a Ideia and a Suggestion there are some threads about Server wipe , no pet loot and more. Check out the Feedback.
    The Devs dont own me nothing, but the small percentaje that ppl invested time doing the Farm Mules kinda just lost the ability to farm. I think the staff owns them something. Please Check this Thread Special thanks to @tazan. I fully support your Ideia, that Heartstoppers should be excluded or make it not lootable for the Character

    What is your opinion about it? Do you think its fair for someone who invested alot of time creating the mules? Thank you for your soonest Reply.

    " You guys were more than made up for solely on the amount of money you guys made. If they made the change from the start, you might have already quit since ages ago and surely not be sitting on a fraction of the wealth you have now with this kind of mindset. "

    Hang on. So if someone knows the System and have a Ideia to make money from it. Is that a crime? Its like a company. If you have a strategy why not use it?
    Many Hardcore Farmers started just like many others at the very beginning. Over the Years of grinding and farming came the ideia why not make more mules? On old source I also saw many ppl Farming Heartstoppers at voodoo.

    Sure, maybe some of the Farmers might have Quitted long ago. However it doesnt apply to all of them. From my experience the ppl who have a Great ammount of chars and who invested many Hour creating it. Are the ones who came very far in this Game and lasted much longer than other players.

    If you calculate the ammount of time you invest making Chars lets say like 5 Farms or more VS Just using the time to sell Leech, its not really profitable.... It will became profitable after some years. Which is a investment in the future.

    "Also, why does everyone have to have their progress wiped for you? Who are you? Should we also share what you have earned from summon farming? >__>"

    For me? ???? Wait let me Quote what I said earlyer Mrs " it up to the guys who invested so much time in making the Farm mules"

    Up to the Guys, not only Me. Im referring to everyone who have a good ammount of Farm chars. It can be 2 , 3 or more.... Or every Guy / Girl who invested in making that mule , solely for that function.

    Who Iam I? I dont know if you said as a matter of some sort of appeal.... As you wish ill answer it normaly:

    Im Viktor, 25 Years old , hmmm Hobbies are Motorcycle riding. Right now: Studying
    economic engineering for food production. I have a apprenceship as Food technology Expert at the Company Hydrosol that makes Food additives for many kinds of products. Which you can see on the starter of the company just by entering this link:

    Guess thats pretty much it in a nutshell of who Iam. However if you asked this Question philosophically... Well thats a very hard task to answer. In my College days I had philosophy and I must admit its very hard to understand who you really are.
    A book I can suggest to read, which havent read for 4 years I think... Should resume on that Thank you Mrs!
    Its this one

    Yes, although im studying a very technical and economically subject. It still amazes me how philosophy can be so complex.

    Hopefully this answers your Question. If you want you can also share your information of who you are :) here or Inbox. I dont mind inviting you for a coffee if you live in Germany. Well until tomorrow since I need to start studying for my exams anyway.

    @Doge I agree on everything you said until this Point... Lets say I agree and disagree.

    "But unlike the farming exploit, it's not something that takes skills to master, you just spam the summon skill and you loot without providing the least effort to it and gain massif profit from it. "

    and this one " why would anyone spend their time farming? It's no fun because you aren't playing the game and it's easy enough to make mesos in this game, you can already vote and the drop rates are high enough to find good scrolls and equipements to sell."

    Hmmmm Yes and No? It really depends how you set it up for example you can Farm Heartstopper or anything else while your Grinding or Bossing as a Attacker.
    This generates some sort of "Oh although Grinding at Oblivion 4 doesnt generate any Money , because ToT pieces arent introduces yet, Iam making some money somehow."
    And with 3 Clients or 4 farming + yourself grinding at obv4 + all Buffs mules at obv4 its really a Big Motivation. It got me to lv 200 and Waaay beyond. Something I dreamed of in the old Days of GMS while grinding at Jr newtie or Skele Pt. However I was a Teenager and didnt had so much money so I summer jobed and made myself a 2nd PC(Of old hardware pieces ) to atleast have a HS mule called Prings on GMS.

    Now with this Update its gona be hard to grind while making money. This is why if Timeless Weapon/gear would be introduce it would make Grinding at obv4 more interesting.

    Yes Indeed its already easier to make Money and you can vote to get some NX and sell for Mesos.
    However to make it efficient its better to farm as a bishop/Mage class, which is... year a big advantage to other classes and in my Case its not really much of a fun. I really prefer Grinding at obv4 and making money from heartstopper. But its where you can decide farm as Attacker or Mage? Hard decision.

    About the therm Exploit. In my point of view its a very delicate case:

    In one hand around this Version at GMS (not sure about KMS, JMS, BMS and so on) this was normal. Just at that time you couldnt heavly Multi client due to Pc's specs.

    In the other hand as you said before if you do it way to much , which nowadays its easier than in the old times (Check my post about technology ). "it's more of something that's gained to your advantage and most of them break the game's nature"

    ...................:confused::confused::confused:. It generates alot of confusion.
    Maybe im drifting a bit of topic now:

    In the Programming language a exploit is when you kind of "Abuse" a gap in the Programming code system............
    However this is a feature of the game?. Im sorry @Doge maybe I'm just not getting it right.

    Would you kindly link something better explained. I dont know what source you got it. Or is it written on T&C rules of Royals? or anything?

    Well, we all know Wikipedia can not be trusted sometimes, but for me Farm Summoning can be classified as Game mechanics? Probably? What do you think?

    Game mechanics
    "Taking advantage of the systems that make up the gameplay. A game mechanics exploit is not a bug—it is working as designed, but at the same time is not working as intended. An example is the "wavedash" in Super Smash Bros. Melee, where the momentum gained from using a directional aerial dodge could be retained on landing; with proper timing this allows characters to use a stationary attack while sliding across the ground." source:

    If you have something better than Wikipedia tell me, because I don't use Wikipedia for my Study also. Prefer using Books from Experts. ^_^'

    Thank you for your soonest reply on this matter Doge.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2018
    Credits, GoToHeal, Mrkaren and 3 others like this.
  11. Josh

    Josh Donator

    May 3, 2016
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    There's probably something wrong going on if playing a (cutesy) 2D side-scrolling MMORPG aimed at reliving childhood nostalgia (at least for the most part) becomes about computer specs, how many computers a player owns, and how many clients he/she can open at any given time..

    The Staff team and server administration don’t owe this group of people anything at all, simply because they created all these mules on their own personal accord. It was never a forced gameplay, and the onus was never on Staff to ensure that you can, in your own words, "earn mesos while grinding at ToT", or any other situations for that matter. One of their main objectives (I hope) would be to ensure the overall health and longevity of the whole server, not a handful of people, whomever they might be.

    You guys felt that it was the most effective way to earn mesos so you took that option, and that's as far as it goes. No one's taking away the effort you put into creating those characters, and I'd go as far as to say most of the people who are aware actually respect it to some extent. But at this point in time, there’s no use in debating over technicalities like what’s an exploit and what’s not. It’d be better to just move on and find other uses for your many characters, and alternative methods of earning mesos if that's a priority for you.

    For what it's worth, I also own a number of farming characters myself, so I understand how you feel. And I'm sure many other people do too. But I personally think this could be a step in the right direction in the preservation of the server, for reasons that have already been highlighted several times. The least we could do is allow some time to see what effects this change has on the game.
    Kung, Tomfoolery, Cola and 18 others like this.
  12. Dudu

    Dudu Donator

    Dec 5, 2015
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    honestly, after reading all ur posts and arguments regarding this topic, it really just sounds like ure super salty over this change cus it crippled ur main source of income and all the time u spent making god knows how many farming mules has gone down the drain.

    and yes, the server does not owe u anything at all. even if u spent months or years making all those mules, u still arent entitled to anything, cus u did it all voluntarily. and like u said, its only a small percentage of the community that is affected. if these people are inclined to leave the server after this update, why should the server focus to cater to a very very very small minority of the community who has already lost motivation, to keep playing? the server should better spend their time and effort on the dedicated majority of the community whom are willing to adapt and accept changes, albeit beneficial or disadvantageous to them.

    and seeing u tagging other players calling them fellow farmers, just seems like ure trying to pull other people in to agree with u, and make whatever ure trying to say (till now i still dk what is ur point after so many posts) validated. most of the players who were greatly affected by this update had either adapted to it or moved on from it, so i dont get why ure still trying to pull them into this argument.

    and lastly, regarding that obnoxiously long post u most recently posted:
    "i dont know how u can say so little with so many words"
    Mangoh, CSupreUJ, Yan and 11 others like this.
  13. Doge

    Doge Donator

    Jul 10, 2016
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    @Doge I agree on everything you said until this Point... Lets say I agree and disagree.

    "But unlike the farming exploit, it's not something that takes skills to master, you just spam the summon skill and you loot without providing the least effort to it and gain massif profit from it. "

    and this one " why would anyone spend their time farming? It's no fun because you aren't playing the game and it's easy enough to make mesos in this game, you can already vote and the drop rates are high enough to find good scrolls and equipements to sell."

    Hmmmm Yes and No? It really depends how you set it up for example you can Farm Heartstopper or anything else while your Grinding or Bossing as a Attacker.
    This generates some sort of "Oh although Grinding at Oblivion 4 doesnt generate any Money , because ToT pieces arent introduces yet, Iam making some money somehow."
    And with 3 Clients or 4 farming + yourself grinding at obv4 + all Buffs mules at obv4 its really a Big Motivation. It got me to lv 200 and Waaay beyond. Something I dreamed of in the old Days of GMS while grinding at Jr newtie or Skele Pt. However I was a Teenager and didnt had so much money so I summer jobed and made myself a 2nd PC(Of old hardware pieces ) to atleast have a HS mule called Prings on GMS.

    Now with this Update its gona be hard to grind while making money. This is why if Timeless Weapon/gear would be introduce it would make Grinding at obv4 more interesting.

    Yes Indeed its already easier to make Money and you can vote to get some NX and sell for Mesos.
    However to make it efficient its better to farm as a bishop/Mage class, which is... year a big advantage to other classes and in my Case its not really much of a fun. I really prefer Grinding at obv4 and making money from heartstopper. But its where you can decide farm as Attacker or Mage? Hard decision.

    About the therm Exploit. In my point of view its a very delicate case:

    In one hand around this Version at GMS (not sure about KMS, JMS, BMS and so on) this was normal. Just at that time you couldnt heavly Multi client due to Pc's specs.

    In the other hand as you said before if you do it way to much , which nowadays its easier than in the old times (Check my post about technology ). "it's more of something that's gained to your advantage and most of them break the game's nature"

    ...................:confused::confused::confused:. It generates alot of confusion.
    Maybe im drifting a bit of topic now:

    In the Programming language a exploit is when you kind of "Abuse" a gap in the Programming code system............
    However this is a feature of the game?. Im sorry @Doge maybe I'm just not getting it right.

    Would you kindly link something better explained. I dont know what source you got it. Or is it written on T&C rules of Royals? or anything?

    Well, we all know Wikipedia can not be trusted sometimes, but for me Farm Summoning can be classified as Game mechanics? Probably? What do you think?

    Game mechanics
    "Taking advantage of the systems that make up the gameplay. A game mechanics exploit is not a bug—it is working as designed, but at the same time is not working as intended. An example is the "wavedash" in Super Smash Bros. Melee, where the momentum gained from using a directional aerial dodge could be retained on landing; with proper timing this allows characters to use a stationary attack while sliding across the ground." source:

    If you have something better than Wikipedia tell me, because I don't use Wikipedia for my Study also. Prefer using Books from Experts. ^_^'

    Thank you for your soonest reply on this matter Doge.[/QUOTE]
    I got the source from a definition of the word exploit off google but it's not in the right context though. You are right without any doubt, that multi clienting can have other uses besides for farming only. I don't think theres any right way to do it, by how you should level your way up, as everyone has their own style of playing. Altough this surely goes agaisnt my nature, as the game never introduced us this style of play to anybody in any original versions of the Maplestory. It was only discovered by players later on, because most thought that griding solo or leeching wasn't enough to go faster. So assuming to what you just said, they made numerous accounts that would allow to train a few of their characters at the same time, while using buffs at the cost of nothing because it's their account that they've created.

    At first, it was unintentional by the developpers of these games, but because people took an interest even further into the mechanics of bunnyhopping. Valve just left it in their engines, games such as left 4 dead, counter strike source, tf2, etc. Unfortunately, the fact that people want more realistic games nowadays, the bunnyhop mechanic is starting to fall down and like in counter strike global offensive, you cannot bunnyhop like you could've back in the older versions of counter strike. Most will admit that the bunnyhopping was not as subjectively boring as the realistic games that requires only a small amount of reaction and aim. Here's the video that explains a little of the history on the bunnyhopping

    Sorry if i was incoherent when i said that "it's more of something that's gained to your advantage and most of them break the game's nature". What i mean't by that is that we know that exploits aren't bugs as we all know. Bugs would be more about files that got corrupted or that were badly coded, which causes the game to produce an unusual event that could cause the game to glitch or further more damage it or crash. I won't type too much about exploits because there are so many different kinds that it would be endless. The exploits are introducded into the game but without the knowledge of the developpers who made the game because from the way they envisionned their game, they wouldn't have expected to create a new mechanic that would allow users to cheat in some way and that's generally because the game wasn't tested to its fullest. It's usually by playing more into the game, that you'll discover that there are tricks you can pull off and by combining two into one, it can create an exploit such as i.e, the bunnyhop like i talked about earlier. In left 4 dead 2, if you jumped off from an obstacle and maneuvered by turning a little to the left or right with your mouse smoothly, you could've actually gained a little velocity (speed) to go faster. Some tried out by continously juming into one direction without ever losing speed, it wasn't very useful though because it would make it only harder to aim at the infected. But combining those 2, by hopping continously and maneuvering around, would create what they so call the bunnyhop. For sure, it wouldn't had improve any more or less the accuracy but from what you've earned doing so, you could reach access points faster than any other players in the session you're playing.

    I hope this clarified a little more from my previous post. If there's something you don't or still do not understand, let me know. And sorry again if i was illiterate once more. English isn't my maternal language. :)

    Edit : Oh and please do share a link of the thread about the technology you posted on. I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks!
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2018
    iSaind likes this.
  14. iSaind

    iSaind Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2016
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    @Dudu Thank you for Input in this Subject

    Yes your right :D. Im salty and dissapointed at the same time or more mixed Feelings on this:'(. Its a thread how you feel after the summon nerf.
    So I may give my opinion about this.

    Good for them if they could move on:). I certainly cant move on with losing 10 times lv 130+ Chars and 6 times lv 5x chars :-/. Instead I want to try and give some Input on the Forum about this Change. Believe me I rarely do stuff like this, but this time I want to express my opinion about this. Of course ill do it always on a polite way and write as short as possible too. And im sorry if by any change I ve attacked anyone with my Posts here @MaiAh @Doge @Tentomon @CerealnOats ... and more -.-'.

    In this case I really want or atleast that GM's to either have a Update with Heartstoppers @Matt or Server Wipe as many players have said on this thread: or this

    The Point to drag as much farmers as possible on this thread has only 1 objective behind this:

    To let GM's see how many Farmers did get affected. Unfortunatly I dont know how many hardcore Farmers had been affectet by this so Im tagging as many as I know.


    @Doge Thank you for the Post. I understand now the context behind exploit and Bunny Hoping

    I think i did this Bunnyhopping unintentionally myself on Counter Strike 1.5 or Half Life 2? I think.
    Thank you!
    That bunnyhoping could be fun in plattform games with that intention on mind. :)

    Yes basicly the History is actually just on google aswell:

    about RAM: Well mostly about Experience since handling with Computer since 2000 (64 MB Ram ftw).
    Couldnt find a suitable link so ill just post this one:

    #SaveTheFarm # BelieveInRoyals2017
    Doge and Mrkaren like this.
  15. Nostalgia123

    Nostalgia123 Donator

    May 9, 2018
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    I think there is no point in writing essays after essays to prove one’s point. Stop being a pussy and move on. Did gm completely ban farming? NO. They just limit it for people like u guys. All the farmers. It is also good for newbies because there are so many free maps to farm now unlike the past. (Inb4 my character is there first so i have my rights to own that map... blahblabblah) selfish mindset of farmers thinking they are always right just because they have an army, friends with vets or vets themselves and own some good attack gears. If this update is already released long time ago, will you guys still be here?
    Shnang, CerealnOats, Fatlip and 2 others like this.
  16. Doge

    Doge Donator

    Jul 10, 2016
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    @Doge Thank you for the Post. I understand now the context behind exploit and Bunny Hoping

    I think i did this Bunnyhopping unintentionally myself on Counter Strike 1.5 or Half Life 2? I think.
    Thank you!
    That bunnyhoping could be fun in plattform games with that intention on mind. :)

    Yes basicly the History is actually just on google aswell:

    about RAM: Well mostly about Experience since handling with Computer since 2000 (64 MB Ram ftw).
    Couldnt find a suitable link so ill just post this one:

    #SaveTheFarm # BelieveInRoyals2017[/QUOTE]


    Good i was still worried that it still wasn't elaborated enough. Yes, bunnyhopping is indeed very fun once you get the hang of it and the server allows you do perform it. Thanks for the links you've provided.
    Much obliged for the links you've provided in your post, this'll allow me to learn a little more about the history of computers and its cpus/rams. :D
    iSaind likes this.
  17. iSaind

    iSaind Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Mr Nostalgia123,

    1) First point: of what makes you think im being a ...?? Its only natural to complain or get upset or get dissapointed or get Salty after losing 16 Chars.
    Moving on can have differents meaning. Certainly losing something and trying to recover it is something called Fighting for something that wasnt really think throughfully (My opinion). Its that being a ....? Thank you very much
    If you may let me put a Advice about those words: Please refrain saying those , as you could get Warnings Points. I did not use any Bad/ Insulting words in my Sentences and even If I used them they were mostly hidden which I already apologized on previous Posts. Certainly its up to you Guys to accept it or not.
    Problably the word you may be looking for is Coward which isnt the case as I stated above.

    2) Second point: I was a newbie too. I had to look for a channel at voodoo too at old source on my first char. And if i didnt find I just went to another place.
    Point is everyone start from Zero. The difference is how you use your resources. In my case I had a bunch of old hardware lying around and could assemble them to make a decent multi client Maschine.
    3) Third point: Yes, if the update had been released way sooner. Ppl wouldnt have created so many Farmers right? Therefore they wouldnt have lost so much chars.
    The point is Staff didnt implemented a solution for those Ppl who have insanly ammount of chars for that specific function. There is so many possibilitys... to change... :)
    4)I cant say for everyone that they would be still here. However I would be still here and Iam still here? Just more focus on the Forum. Certainly I wouldnt have so many Character as today.
    5) Not all Farmers have a selfish Mindset. I'm selfish , but thats just me I guess? As a example I dont think @Ivan Chavez is a selfish person. He did some donations for newbies and he is a heavy Farmer too. Please check his Threads.

    Thank you very much looking forward for your soonest Reply Nostalgia123
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2018
  18. Tentomon

    Tentomon Donator

    Feb 8, 2014
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    no idea
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    I'm sorry about my knee-jerk reaction post the other day.

    My opinion is that playstyles that involve numerous copies of the client open at the same time are dubious. I'd say that for any game. It just doesn't "feel right". It's also not the way the game was intended to be played. This was not the purpose of summons, or being able to open multiple clients at the same time. It probably isn't fair to call it an "exploit" or "abuse", but loophole is probably the right word.

    A lot of people have complained about afk farming. The poll on this thread shows 60% of people were supportive of the change. Afk farming has meant that a few people clog up all the maps in popular training/ farming spots such as voodoos. There are 20 channels so that lots of people can have a map, not so that a few people can have lots of maps. As more people have seen the profits to be gained from it, more people have decided to do it, and in future, even more, will, and this has an increasingly negative effect on players playing the game in the way that was intended. It could easily get to the point where the game wasn't even worth playing for "ordinary" players. I'm sure that would have been at the front of the admin's/staff's minds when they made the difficult decision to close this loophole. I'm sure they would have known that a few people would be really upset.

    We can't have a server wipe every time a player or a group of players loses an advantage they have. Making everybody unhappy is not the way to solve the problem of a few people being unhappy. It's a rather extreme thing to suggest, which is, of course, gonna wind people up. That's one reason people have reacted so negatively to your posts, even if you do have a good reason to be frustrated.

    I know this must really suck for all the farmers. I would be pretty pissed off if I was in your situation, and infact I'd probably quit over it too. There's no good solution for everybody. One could perhaps argue compensation for farmers, but then others would point out that the farmers gained a lot before this loophole was closed. Farmers can still use their farming mules, they'll just not be able to have as many at the same time, due to the need to manually loot.

    Something we all need to remember before we commit too much time, mental energy, and even money (such as buying a better computer just so that we can open lots of copies of royals at the same time) into this game is that it could go down any day. We might come here one day, and find out Mapleroyals is gone, for whatever reason. For those that can't move on without making a big fuss when they're annoyed at the admins/ staff of the server, that could be a big problem. By all means, enjoy this game. But don't take it all too seriously. Be able to move on when you need to.
    iSaind, Fatlip, Nes and 6 others like this.
  19. iSaind

    iSaind Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Thank you for your Input!

    All good. I wasnt in good shape either when I was writing about that the last days. Let emotion get the better of me , I guess.
    So we are quit :).

    As you said there wont be a fair solution to this "Issue". Either move on with this decision they had made or came up with a very fair to everybody solution for this kind of "issue", which I think its not possible right now.

    Certainly I tried to enjoy the game without my Farmers and I couldn't somehow. Probably I'm addicted to multi client farming -.-' well in a way where I can grind/Boss at the same time

    Anyway. I said all I had to say about this.

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    Check my Signature for more Information. As im Inactive now , probably a new co- Host could be a good ideia :)
    Tentomon and NTR like this.
  20. Kung

    Kung Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2018
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    Hey guys,

    after a bit of time, I wanted to get back to this topic to add another perspective.
    The fact that summons deny pet loot - unfortunately is destroying the gameplay of normal grinding on my bm.

    Eg. in ToT or other spots where I like to play for hours, simply listening to the music and chilling, I am not longer using the eagle while I naturally would use it - just because it completely dirupts this peaceful grinding flow by forcing me to wonder, which etc I would have to pick up myself. It turned out to be a bigger deal than expected after weeks and if you are grinding as a bm, it really lowers the gameplay atmosphere by quite a lot.

    If this change is really helping the server, of course it is more viable to keep it in place, especially since probably 0 other bms actually play the game like this but if future will not prove its helpfullness, I suggest removing it again.
    Tentomon likes this.

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