*EDIT: Guild is currently inactive as the leader quit indefinitely. ANTI Rules and Application procedures (Before even starting I would like to state first off that any drama,hacking, and or toxic acts has zero tolerance and will be booted on the spot.) RULES #1 Being active is the most concentrated point, We will kick if we see that you aren't active. #2 Giving out addresses and information that can lead to problems will not be tolerated whatsoever. #3 Respect others the way you want to be respected (That concludes the rules, simple and straightforward) APPLICATIONS REQUIREMENTS (This is what we want you to respond with on this post) In Game Name (Character name you play in game that you want to join with) Level (obvious) Job-(Class you play) Loyalty-(scale from 1/10, helps determine if you would even stay in the guild longer than a day) Activeness-(Scale from 1/10 like before) Reason For joining-(Can be short and sweet, I just enjoy listening to you guys come up with a reason ) (LAST BUT NOT LEAST I WANT A WRITTEN RESPONSE THAT YOU HAVE READ ALL THE RULES ABOVE AND AGREE TO THE TERMS AND UNDERSTAND THAT IF ANY OF THOSE RULES ARE TO BE BROKEN YOU WILL BE BLACKLISTED AND KICKED FROM THE GUILD) "Best of luck" ~Ohms Credit to Sensel. Ty.
In Game Name : Venturae/AlphaNL Level (obvious)- 13X/15X Job-(Class you play)- Dark Knight / Night Lord Loyalty- 10, I was in Guild since I Got accepted 7 months ago, since remake, new managament became bullshit and didnt want me to x-fert in Rogue Activeness-7/10 Reason For joining- I was in Guild, and Juild so same alliance but being in Juild alone most of the time sucks, also Rogue aka Guild got the big head and didnt want me to xfert me.
IGN: Pinkslip Level: 14x Job : Night lord Loyalty: 10, I wanna find a guild where I can boss and have a laugh. Activiness: 8/10 (It could be higher if I find some1 nice to hang out) Reason for joining: I havent found a nice guild to join in and I wanna check how Anti is, hope I can join. And YES I read and accept your rules.
@PayPal We're on a really friendly terms with our alliance, but since you dislike them a lot, we don't want to create problems with them. Your post seems to also have offended them. So, to avoid conflicts, we'll have to unfortunately reject this application. =( @MsFame Accepted~
Shame there's a level req :3, If I have two chars over 135, but I’m maining a new one and leveling it does that count (treating them as mules at this point)
IGN: donlegend Level: 166 Job: Sair Loyalty: Depends Activeness: Mostly weekends, idk do you guys go by the days or the hours??? Reason for joining: I want to join an aspiring bossing guild. I hated you guys because I ain’t you guys. But I wanna change that.
Hi @iMikePL ! Even though we require members to be 135+, we actually accept people who are very active and level fast. PM me if you're interested. Hello @Don ! Before adding our members, we usually do a background check... With the things we heard, we really do not want to cause any trouble or drama in the future. Unfortunately, we'll have to reject this application.
IGN: Azhh Level: 172 Job: Bishop Loyalty: 7 Activeness: 10 Reason For joining: I love doing bosses and would really enjoy having a guild I can do runs with. :3 I have read and agree to all the rules!
IGN: Comb0/Fr0sty Level: 158/162 Job: Hero/AM Loyalty: 7 Activeness: Weekends for sure but for weekdays it depends, due to NS Reason For joining: Love to boss and it will be pretty nice to have a guild to boss daily. I have read and have no issue about the rules stated
IGN: Weirdoz * Level: 155 Job: Dark Knight Loyalty: 10 ** Activeness: 8 *** Reason for joining: I am new to bossing in general, and am looking to go on regular runs to get the required experience/knowledge for each boss. I recently got to Level 155, but haven't gotten a chance to do raid bosses like Zakum or Horntail yet. Other bosses/activities I am looking to do include Krex, Shaolin, Papu, CWK-PQ and APQ. * My real name is Nick, which I highly prefer to be called. ** The guild which I am currently leaving is Impurity, but it has nothing to do with drama-related issues. I joined Impurity a few months ago in August, then had to be inactive for several months because of college. During that time, the guild seems to have died and/or leadership resigned. The people there were really nice, though. *** At this point in time, I am quite active. That may change, however, after a couple weeks when my new job starts (Jan. 7). As a fresh college graduate with no real work experience, I can't guarantee how busy or not-busy I'll be when my job starts. My assumption is that I'll mostly only have time to play on the weekends. - - - I have read and understand all of the rules in the original post. I agree to and accept the terms and conditions.
Hello nick, thank you for the detailed explanation. You are gladly accepted and I will send an invite as soon as I see your online ~sensel
IGN: Moforce Level: 185 Job: Night lord Loyalty: 10 ** Activeness: 8 *** Reason for joining: My guild now is almost dead (no one online everyday). I would like to find partner to bossing here. I am online 2 hrs daily, since i need to watch my little baby. My English is not good. I hope you can accept. I have read rules and follow it.
IGN: Sojuu Level: 135 Job: Hero Loyalty: 10 Activeness: 8 Reason for Joining: I'm looking to join more bossing expeditions and make new friends