Okay...We need to settle a bit of a discussion here on MapleRoyals. Do you consider fish to be a meat? Please take a moment to answer the poll with either yes or no!
Fish is meat, trolled you all. I don't call fish meat though, I call it fish. Whoever calls fish > meat is silly.
Fish is neither, Fish is classed as smelly On a serious note: Fish is a type of protein and fish is a an animal so it's classed as a type of meat
Personally, I think it's meat even though Roman Catholics are allowed to eat fish on Fridays during Lent. That's religion though, and I eat meat anyways during those days since I'm not really religious =P.
Different dictionaries define meat either as the flesh of animals or as the flesh of mammals, in which case their words for the flesh of fish and birds are fish and poultry. There's valid arguments for both answers, I personally follow the latter.
Well.. its classed as ''white meat'' isnt it.. but well, most people just shove it under the category of 'fish and seafood' x)
Fish is meat that comes from a fish...so, yes, fish is meat. The problem is a semantics one, because the word "fish" is an all purpose clusterfuck. "I had fish Saturday night." "That rainbow colored fish would be great for my aquarium." "Don't waste time crying over her; there are plenty of fish in the sea." "I really want to fish Great Bear Lake someday." That's not counting the uses that have nothing to do with actual fish. Wtf.
Meat and fish, both are rich in proteins and moisture content, and are often considered as meat, which can be quite confusing. However, such is not the case. Meat is a generalized term used for all animal flesh. This category consists of flesh from animals such as pigs, cattle, lambs, etc. It generally includes the skeletal muscles, associated fat and other tissues of an animal. Fish, on the other hand, is part of seafood. The word ‘fish’ generally refers to both, the animal and the food prepared from it. This category also includes shellfishes such as molluscs, crustaceans and echinoderms. Although it is part of seafood, fish itself is widely consumed as part of a meal or a whole meal. Both meat and fish, along with poultry, are the best sources of iron and protein, which is why they are included in a healthy diet. Both are good reservoirs of nutrients, but fish is a much better option than meat. Though, meat is rich in proteins, it also has a high quantity of fat in it, whereas fish has low fat with a high quantity of proteins. Filled with Omega-3 fatty acids, minerals such as zinc, iodine and potassium, etc. fishes are considered as nature’s most versatile food, as eating fish on a daily basis can help reduce blood pressure, and lower the risk of heart attacks. It also consists of all essential nutrients which keep the brain and heart healthy.
fish is a kind of meat, but i wouldn't categorize it in the same sort of box as, say, beef. for the purposes of, say, vegetarianism it is meat and is probably a no-no to eat unless you're specifically a pescatarian.