I wonder how many drop games is even played nowadays which includes 21wa PGC :thonk: Definately taking away the dropping option of The mentioned above, 8items would be a positive change, similar to how Chaos Scrolls/White Scrolls are unable to be dropped now proves its 100% possible To create such content/solution towards the RWT issues. Perhaps trade logs can be tracked accurately is still an question to me.
Please note these are just my own opinions and that they are not influenced: The point of @Credits post is not saying that people are dropping high attack gear, but just lower att capes in drop games when quitting. How many times have we seen semgas announcing: "Come to ch x fm, dropping pgc, scg, etc". Albeit they might not always be true and the att gear might just be def, but if you don't allow drop of a pgc, then you don't allow any att of pgcs to be dropped from 0 att to 21 att. I'm not sure why people are so narrow mindedly thinking that people are only dropping 21att capes.
While I personally dislike the idea of more restrictions being put on the game-play, I support this suggestion on the fact that it can mitigate RWT activities on the server. At its core, I feel more micro-managing of these aspects will keep affecting the already set limitations on how maple is played. Perhaps there will be better solutions down the line and improvements being made that won't rely on adding limitations. But based on the current state of things, I suppose it is for the best.
So you believe drop games > preventing RWT? Edit: And also "but just lower att capes in drop games when quitting" ???
Maybe make it end game weapons too. I live in fear of accidentally dropping my weapon every time I unequip it.
How important is that? lol Drop game (with the listed 8 items) is more important? Or preventing RWT is more important? Are the 8 items also symbolic and traditional for you as well in drop games?
1) What is perma islander lol - islander = stay in island, once leave island = not islander 2) What's wrong with islander? 3) If you're upset with me playing islander, may I know why?
I dont know where youre getting the idea of me attacking you but you need stop it. I am literally just using your own gameplay of which you deem fun and adding it to that list, not for the purpose of belittling your gameplay which you deem fun as, but to reiterate that there are multiple ways people enjoy this game
I already mentioned you can play drop with other stuff such as weapons - sky ski But you insist on the 8 items cause it's symbolic and traditional ?_?