Hello! I came back to Maple yesterday after about 10 years away from the game. The real version was too different from what I remember, so here I am, having a great time. q: I've made myself a lukless I/L magician, who is currently level 37. I'm still mostly wearing my beginner equips, other than a basic maple staff. What sorts of items should I be aiming to get? I'm unfunded, but pretty decent at making money. I just don't really know where to start. Bathrobe? What kind of gloves/earrings/shoes etc are even an option? And what are some baseline prices for these/can I make any myself? Cheers for any help!
as a mage you shouldn't be worrying about gear too much: mages are very good unfunded however, these are a good start and should serve you well into 4th job a bathrobe scrolled for int (these are expensive) single earring scrolled for int (these are somewhat expensive) id get slimy shoes but yellow shoes are an option as well (but they are expensive) maple shield scrolled for MA (these are expensive) a green bandanna scrolled for int (these are expensive) and at lv50 replace it with a zhelm red marker/yellow work gloves/regular work gloves scrolled for int (these are expensive) cpq necklace at lv30, dep star at lv50, horntail pendant at lv120 your weapon is good right now, for later, get a lama staff at 43, possibly a maple shine wand at 64, an elemental wand 1 at lv70, and then your endgame staff is elemental wand 7 at lv130 for baseline prices its all about how well scrolled the equips are; but earrings and bathrobes tend to be the cheaper upgrades of these btw you should be getting upgrades as you get more luk as a lukless mage (pendants and zhelm give you extra luk) to equip better stuff like doros/doroness overalls that require just a little bit of luk
Would highly recommend doros/doroness and Dark Noels. You might even have enough luk for Moonlight and Starlight.
Thanks guys! I'm sensing a very expensive theme. Thankfully I've got a Lama staff ready to go when the time comes. I'll focus on earrings and a bathrobe for now and see how I do.
Elemental Wand 3 Obtained from sleepywood gachapon or buy from free market. 1 is the fire element wand.
Hello and Welcome to Royals! Definately a exciting adventure that awaits you! Right now, Focus on levelling, enjoy Carnival Party Quest(CPQ) as much as possible until lvl71! You should start gearing up as much as possible only after lvl12x and the first item you should invest in is Elemental Wand 7. I’m just gonna add a whole bunch of gear progression tips below hopefully might be useful for you Save the remaining of the funding carefully, and spend them on your Zak Helm service as early as level50~ And throw in 10x 60% Helm Int whenever u have the mesos or come by a cheap one in the FM shop. Then prioritize earrings and target to get 24tma Earrings. Spend some NX in Showa Gacha if u missed the rudolph nose event for a int maple leaf. Definately worth the NX as u can get rare items such as shield for magic 60% and sky skis. Its possible to get lucky! Or else just buy AP resets and save money! Even as a lvl200 mage i currently only gacha there from time to time! Just for new maple leafs upgrades! Participate in Ludi PQ for broken Glasses during your free time. Invest in a purple Gaia Cape with 10tma+(total magic atk) which is relatively cheap. Get a decent Magician shoes with 5~7int That ranges from lvl20~30. U sometime get a really good deal of 2-3mil in the FM if your bored and looking through the market Get a clean 4-6int mystic shield after u are able to equip a zakum helmet which is relatively cheap as well as starting gear. Get a necklace from CPQ when you turn in the coins Complete your deputy star quest from NLC (google the quest/search in forum for deputy star quest) which gives 5int/5luk, this will be able to sustain you for a long time until your Horntail Necklace eventually comes to you When u have the spare mesos, u should perhaps sit back, buy an hour of leech and enjoy some quality time. Or else, be hardworking and level it which is also fun as well. Theres a gearing guide section inside my Bishop Guide which might be useful even for I/L as gearing wise, all mages are very similar. Guide is below, the other areas hopefully might be an interesting read to you as well which include leeching/training areas and all sorts of interesting stuff! https://royals.ms/forum/threads/bishops-guide-2019.125406/