Yea ... Wasnt there a table where people talk about buffs. That actually buffs i could write down in simple 10 minutes without using any brain. Flat damage, infinity transform make sp useless at 140... Easy buff done.. Do any gm maining a bucc? Doesnt seems so... Maybe just as si mule. Now si is useless. I wont cast it anymore since i dont need it and i want that heros/mm etc. Helping us to get cd on transform back! To all buccs in maple we do an SI intervention! No more si! Btw i need 71 spresets? I started today with 8k nx because i gached yesterday. Ehw clap Or were the plan to rip our bucc comuniti and get some Nls to the bucc side of life? I dont know. And i dont know why there wasnt a voting about that?! Just ask every bucc 135+ what he think about that...instant of just destroying the class. Where can i start an apply to be a gm? I think i am way more creativ in buffthings and would more rely in people who played that class 5 hours+ a day Maybe sometimes it will change. Hopefully sometimes it will change. Otherwise i have to change..
As a former Bucc main I also think this update sucks. I honestly think we can do without the infinite super transform as it now makes it pointless to use Barrage + DS. The damage boost was pretty good so not complaining about that but I think most of us would have preferred a damage boost w/ faster attacks/ less cooldown between attacks. I don't think anyone was in favor of an infinite super transform Edit: If I'm not mistaken I think we were also asking for crits
Hmm to start off the DPS chart they use is wrong. It shows Sairs being a lot stronger than NLs which isn't true, since sairs barely beat NLs against krex and easily lose to NLs in bosses like Zak or HT. When I did HT on my NL with some sair I could white all 3 of the main body heads despite being sed (with the sair having better gear than me), though in the prehead the sair whited it. It also says paladins are weaker than heroes and buccs which isn't true. Blast deals 580% damage with a multiplier of 1.95 (1.3X1.5 from being elemental weak) against ice/fire/lightning weak enemies and are even stronger against holy weak enemies. Heroes on the other hand only do 520% damage from brandish with a mutiplier of 1.9 from advanced combo. As you can see paladins are clearly stronger, and they are actually the 3rd strongest DPS class now with this buff. So basically while it shows buccs are equal to others in reality even after the buff they are still the weakest melee class. While their dps is now close to heroes and Drks, demolition is a single target skill while brandish/crusher can hit 3 targets and are a lot stronger in things like HT. Shadowers also got a huge buff to their assassinate/boomerang step (around 45% more damage) and they are now on par with buccs without bombing, and can easily white buccs if they used meso explosion. So yeah while the damage buff wasn't really bad and buccs are no longer useless and can actually contribute in damage, they are still pretty weak compared to the other classes. Now regarding the transformation change, I don't really like it. I liked how you can use multiple skills as a buccaneer, and I also liked barrage more than demolition (it looks really cool) Now with the change, the only time you'd want to use barrage is when you have some enemies near you to activate dragon strike, cause aside from that Demolition is better (it got long range and higher DPS). This will change the bucc playstyle completly, from a melee class that uses combos and multiple skills (like shadowers) to a ranged class who holds 1 button like NLs. You won't even need to get close to bosses anymore when you can use demolition from afar. Aside from that, many of the existing skills will become useless. Now Super transformation is the same at level 1 as it is at level 20, with the only difference being some extra magic def. . The normal transformation is also completely useless when you can just use super transofrmation, and barrage isn't that useful either. Dragon Strike is also kinda meh since it barely got buffed at all and is still really slow. This makes it unfair to players who leveled these skills and now need to use SP resets.
Thanks for your reply! Another bucc who share our mind... They will rework it and bring cooldowns back i guess. We are many people who find that patch very annoying! That damagebuff is good enough! I dont want to flipout the damagechart! I still be fine as the last wheel on it but i dont want attacks like barrage plus ds missing in my combinations... Like every bucc here! EVERY BUCC wants back the COOLDOWNS Pls fix that! I agree with that little damagenerf that would happen then! Damage<playstyle
Please keep in mind this is also post massive price reduction for SP resets- they used to be as much as 12k for a single 4th job reset. Not giving a complete reset previously when changes were made would have been prohibitively expensive- it is no longer so, especially with the 50% discount.
That would be another solution and is still better as 100% demolution usage in my mind. Cooldown was fine as it was i guess. You could timeleap for double transformations anyway. Can every people who voted that he likes the new transformation as it is now, explain why they think so? I still dont get any reason for that. Some nice and recommend reasons would be helpfull for me to understand since i just see disadvantages. Thanks everyone who could make a reply
100% demo is just wrong, that's a brandead NL mechanic of holding one button while we buccs use several skills "dancing" on the battlefield the damage buffs are fine, Dragon Strike is still too slow and Crit Mastery is still useless w/o SE on bosses and you have 50% chance of criting every mob and 50% chance of not criting a mob, try stunning mobs in a map (you'll stun everyone or no one) ikr balancing is not an easy task and I appreciate GMs breathed new air on buffed classes, but still ful Demo is a mistake and the 2nd job atks are useful skills any Bucc main use so they may get some love too
yea i do. i dont want to be a simple rotations as it is right now. we all agree that the damagebuff is okay. But the change to transform is a nogo because most of skills getting useless, noone uses weaker attacks when able to use stronger one...
What is this thread?! We can't have anything nice for buccs. Yea, let's kick em back down. I want my SUPER SAIYAN ALWAYS ON!!
BTW the text on supertransform is WRONG. Skilling into it will (hopefully) increase the duration because level 1 is just 20 sec or something... just bought some magicrocks.... and checked it..
Well, I can’t really say much since I never played a bucc, but it looks like they turned from SI/TL mule to something useful, I guess. They’ll be doing more damage to bosses and probably will be accepted to parties (mainly HT in this case) even more. Not to say, they will also kill area bosses like BF and anego (if you are able to tank the bitch slap) a lot faster If you want to do this dragon dancing technique using weaker skills like barrage+DS, then go grind at OB4 or something lol.
Not to mention when the old perma-transform was fixed (it was not intended) people complained saying Buccs were unplayable- this essentially made it work again but on purpose instead of a glitch. Also, just because buccs don't get "use" from SI or TL.... well that doesn't mean other people don't get a use from those skills. Also 2.0, someone mentioned there was no buff to stance/etc, isn't using demo put you into iframes more consistently than chaining the other skills? This was also something that was a concern when perma-transform was patched previously.
Removing your own use of SI/TL would clash with your own Class synergy. It’d be Bowmans without a critc mastery but will have SE still. If anything we shouldn’t even have SI/TL on buccs then. A large amount of the feedback was adding a stance buff etc. because adding a stance buff would’ve allowed a better already exisiting bucc experience. I’m not sure if anything on that thread unironically asked for a perma super trans. but it makes all other skills and oldgameplay obsolete
"I never played a bucc"nothing else to say... you have no clue and didnt read the hole postings if you still didnt know the problem... We got a damagebuff and thats what we wanted. <- see that dot ? nothing else needed to deal more damage with the Transformationpatch we dont have to use barrage + DS+transform into Demolution We just use Tranform and Demo. i dont want to be damage and SP maxed at level 140... thats just the reason. or i will respell it: I PLAY BUCCANEER BECAUSE I DONT SPAM JUST ONE BUTTON. I PLAY BUCCANEER BECAUSE I LIKE TO PLAY WITH MY HOLE KEYBOARD ! 3 Job transformation is useless too now. Barrage+DS in most cases useless. SI just needed when party need it or i use barrage which i dont use anymore since infinity transformation. Word @Cynn you understand the Point.... thats why only 135+ Buccs should be allowed to vote since only they affected by this "buff"
I thought armypenguins post was pretty accurate. (Currently playing bucc mm shad at the same time) I really like buccs playstyle jumping around and switching in between skills. Especially since my idea of super transformation + demolition is like an ultimate. Meaning for that 120s we deal insane amount of damage (hence the cd) with demolition. Also i play characters with the main reason liking the kills (bstep assassinate snipe barrage DS), thus making bucc a spam demo kind of playstyle is not something i would really fancy. As for the buff to bucc, I too was also looking at just flat dmg buff (which has be already done) and the passive critical damage not just on stunned mobs anymore. I know the concern was raised about being reliant on SE but is it possible to program it in a way that it works like assassinate? Because from what i know assassinate doesnt benefit from SE and boomerang step I could hardly feel the effects with SE ( the rare crit that appears ). In conclusion what i felt would have made buffed bucc better was just to increase dmg, if possible have the same crit mechanics as assassinate and keep the cooldown of both transforms.
^ Thats why I play these 3 jobs Also because they used to be less common and it made playing the class more unique and satisfying