Your Character Names: SunDD,SunBaby,DontcallDD,NewYorkDLpt,MoonDD,Mookiebetts Last thing you did: Offline long time ago when i was so busy on working in real life Why do you think you got banned?: No idea Ban message when attempting to log in:This is an ID that has been deleted or blocled from connection. What GM banned you (optional): No idea
Of course i can tell u my rms life ~ From 2015 about August i join RMS (2015 i was a college student so i got much more time to play game) : i made my first chara magician sunbaby , i started to train my 1st bs for selling leech for my Hero SunDD ,till about 2016 March i was on LV14X then i can sell 2htis skele leech 40m/hr at that time , till closed to LV170 i pass mw20(1b ea at that time)&gene30(abut 800m ea at that time) , i was so happy i can 1hit skele 65m/hr that time leech price , AP reset is 9m-10m at that year ,so u shud knew hp wash is ez for hero (my 1st atter ) , abut 2016 July , my hero alrdy 16X , i can join HT party , my first HT frd Helicases taught me much more information about HT and earn books from HT , so i can did HT run for earn books to sell them and done 2runs in 1day then i can keep leeching skele , for update my eqs , i did much leech in skele hrs by my Sunbaby(even bs alrdy on lv200 i still selling ) , about 2016 November my hero on LV200 , if i rmb right , my scg 15wa(1.5b)&pgc 17wa(16.5b) this cost my 1month to leech 1hit skele and no have much more time to do boss earn scrolls=_=||| & fs 13wa and ST 21/143wa , 3eqs from my old frd sold for me , and let me debt to save ws/cs(stable 300m ea at that year) for them . Then i was feeling tired on leech almost 6-8hrs per day so i just did HT&ZAK and played event (Halloween and Christmas) with my TW's frd (Leafecho&Mystify&real Guild) in 2monthes . 2017 RMS was broken....... , till 2017 Feb. 13th , a player named JiangBoYun from TW too, he sold one 10/4 scg for me only 4.8b (he scrolled it @2016 Dec. 27) , its can achieve 22wa. then i gave up Hero, so sold my 21/143ST[31ws(ws atleast 350m now)+2.2bmoney+3earing int event scrolls] to Sunnysun @2017 May 20th , about 35ws finished 10/4scg . Then my scg22wa ,pgc 17wa,fs 13wa . Then i would save more ws/cs for update eqs, but HT still broken till server #48 fixing update , i only can selling leech to earn ws/cs the better way , if i rmb right ,the time ws/cs price alrdy closed to 400m/ea , its unstable price , but leech price same = =||| , just nid to do more time to leech . After the time i made F/P 、HS mule to leech more meso , it better than skele, so it made me ez to save AP reset to washing HP , btw when i making NL , I got a tw frd ign named Komatsu lend me abut 800-900 AP , so i can much fast lv my NL at the beginning , i think u know make a 30k NL nid about 2200AP Reset till LV200 done , so i just nid use about 1-2 monthes to sell petri everyday i really can get it right? And abut my 17/95 dps , b4 i bought it i wore 18/94 ,it scrolled by myself , used 8X ws finished it .The 20wa fs : i scrolled it from 14/2 >16/1 >20/0 ws+cs , 23wa glove i bought it from Miro , i sold 22wa scg first , so i can pay all ws/cs for him. The 22wa tagged PGC : First i update by 17wa+ws/cs for18wa(difference of prices 6b) , then i saw 21wa pgc (Forums name zmz24061 selling @2018 May9) i take 18wa +60ws/cs to trading , 30scrolls by myself sold leech petri ,another 30scrolls from my frds lend me, their ign SorryimP00r 、ChewChew and Komatsu all from TW, (22wa tagged pgc (Forums name Jack :3 Selling @2018 May30) , till June 22 , he reply me let me 21wa +20b to trading , i had scrolled a 139Nisrock @2018 Feb 9 (4*30% and passed the other 3solts in 20ws),it sold by 39ws/cs to Forums name AmericaTea , so i can much fast to save meso by petri leech for the cape.
can you also include approximate dates on how and when you acquired your current items? 20 fs 23 scg 10 dex raccoon mask 95/17 dragon purple sleeve 22 pink gaia cape from what we can see some of these are obtained quite close together for which you will have had made many billions per month
The Shose : one of my old rms Taiwan frd ,his IGN:xRelaxz he gift his 14/2 fs for me like about @2017 Nov. mid , and i save it till 2018 between April and May to cs it , cuz i wanna finish my 11/59 claw first this time The glove : The date like about whut i said about i got "22wa scg" first @3F , then i first sold 22wa it @2018 June 6,btw i trading scg to my frd with same WA bwg ,so my posted that one is a 22bwg (with my frd chat link : ) , then i msg miro 45b i can enuf afford the lift 13b by myself (Link: ) The 10dex macc: I bought from 5/1 slot @2018 March 23 , and i cs it by myself ( Link: ) The 95claw: b4 it , i wore 18/94 , I rmb i save first 50scrolls in 2monthes @2017 Nov. & Dec. ,but unluk only passed 4slots , so i did more petri leech one month more to finish it , total 8X scrolls which i used . Then the important about 95 , Name Chin long in forums posted 17/95 @2018 June 13 , then till the time , i still have much time to do my leech , but i did a few around the monthes ,and i pm Chin long for 95claw we deal 60b for it ,the chat detail link : , so i lack some ws/cs to pay , i have to borrow from my tw frds ,and he Chin long told me someone maybe can buy my 18/94 first , so i find that guy (Forums name woshiiholy & his ign Holitsic , and this is the pic. which i saw him last time his chara pic. :Link:) and he could buy it 40b , so i lack 20b like 40scrolls(ws/cs 500m ea at that time)(I borrow from my frds chatting link: ) from my tw frds @2018 June 16 . The 22cape: like i explained @3F(chat with Jack : 3 the link: ) , and btw i said i sold that my 139nisrock which i scrolled after the time i lended scrolls to my other frd ,cuz i dk when have new cape seller so i lended out some first , and till 22 tagged cape appear he still cant pay back to me , so i lack scrolls to pay , so borrow from those frd too , cuz they were old rms players , no have new goal long time , so alrdy first sold their weapon ,and our friendship enuf to they can lend me scrolls , these.
From SakuraCat(SorryImP00r) , total about 60scrolls From ChewChew , about 7 scrolls From GgTeNighTall(kind1027) , about 8 or 10scrolls From Montague , about 9~10scrolls around @2018 June 16~25
do you still owe these people all these scrolls now or have you paid some back since you borrowed them
Not yet I still owe Sakuracat bro about 28scrolls b4 i knew i got banned (around 2018 Nov. 11-15 knew banned )
Even though I cant confirm the origin of all those items your case still makes sense so I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. I've unbanned all your accounts