I haven't defragged my disks in months my drive where I keep my terabyte of games, anime, tv shows and porn started having disk errors, so I ran a checkdisk which took all of last night from about 8pm til proabably some time in the early morning, I then decided to defrag today, since about 7 this morning it's been going and theres still 9 hours left because I had almost 100GBs of fragmented files. Moral of the story is. Do it often or you'll wait forever
If you have an SSD, you should never defragment your drive. Not to mention, defragmentation occurs automatically with Windows 7 and 8. For a better explanation of what defragging is as well as possible answers to some other questions you may have, I suggest you read this article: http://lifehacker.com/5976424/what-is-defragging-and-do-i-need-to-do-it-to-my-computer
Nope just a regular HDD John, and I have the schedual for regular Defrag turned off because I use a 3rd party one, but I kept forgetting to do it so it got really bad. almost 100GB of fragmented files does hurt.
Whilst true in the general case John, there is an exception =P. The samsung evo has some performance issues with files that haven't been accessed in a while (it's a much bigger problem than it sounds), and defragmentation of the disk occasionally is a crude way to keep the performance up. Spoiler http://www.pcper.com/reviews/Editor...-read-speed-degradation-over-time/Community-i