IGN: JustBSing Problem: (accidentally) dropped quest item and can't get back Details: I recently started doing CWKPQ prequests. Between quests, I did a few other quests, one which had me collecting notes of some sort from mobs. I finished the quest, went to drop excess etc notes that I didnt need anymore, and accidentally dropped my 'coded communique' for the Lost in Translation 2 quest for CWKPQ (it looked similar to the notes i was trying to drop). I went back to each of the previous quest NPC but none of them gave back the communique, and so as of now, I can't complete the quests. Moderator Edit - Spoiler IGN: JustBSing Problem: lost quest item, cant get it back Details: Recently i was completing other random quests, for one i had to collect paper notes of some sort from monsters. after finishing, i had extra notes so i went to drop them - but accidentally dropped the Coded Communique for the quest series 'Lost in Translation' instead. This quest is required to start CWKPQ. I have tried forfeiting the quest and restarting to no avail - it's an item received from the first part of the quest which is needed for part 2, and i can't restart the 1st part. (I've made a post about 2 weeks ago for this but it never received any replies. I directly messaged a Forum Moderator and received a few replies but haven't heard anything in over a week, so i'm reposting.) Would appreciate some sort of answer. I don’t think this requires deleting the quest like the header of character support says can’t be done, but if that’s the only possible solution I’d like to know so I can stop checking for this every day. Spoiler https://royals.ms/forum/threads/lost-quest-item.135759/
Please don’t post multiple threads for the same issue. I’ve merged them. Speaking to Jack should give you the option to obtain another coded communique.
Thank you so much. Sorry for posting multiple - thought it kept getting ignored since everyone for the next page ahead got some sort of answer. I have completed the quest now - I am curious if anything was done, because I know I went back to talk to Jack, but possibly did so while I had the quest forfeited and couldn't claim the item? Or was this actually added recently? Again, thank you so much. very excited to do cwkpq!