(click and hold and drag>) SIGHPIE'S WALL !!SELLING -apples 5m/each (29 in stock)* -onyx apples 15m/each OR 1.4b/set (00 in stock) -heartstoppers 575k/each OR 55m/set (00 in stock) -Helm int 60% 9m/each (127 in stock) Spoiler: Eqps (FOR-SALE) 92,94,96,96,99 wa, No offers yet, will do bidding. Spoiler: Cwk Eqp (NOT-FOR-SALE-YET) Sales has not started. Spoiler: Skillbooks (FOR-SALE) No price yet. Leave offer if interested~ Have 2 tt20 here. BUYING Leave your offer and we can negotiate** ~ Currently looking at : -gun 106wa+ s/b 1.6b -10wa shoe s/b 5.5b -15wa glove s/b 1.6b -13wa cape s/b 5.1b -14wa cape s/b 7.8b 8.5b -15wa cape s/b 10b 11b -50++ total stat overall pirate & archer(F) s/b 2b -18-24 stat clean overall pirate & archer(F) offer me Spoiler: Sample Pic *1 set = 100 **Or Just link me to your selling thread ~ and i will bid there c: ***Accept + 430m 430m (cs/ws value subject to change)
Have 14 att pgc, looking for offers now, s/b 7.5 https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-11-att-fs-14-att-pgc.136359/
i'd prefer more str Sorry im currently looking for finished capes only and 14/15. No longer looking for 13