Greetings, I used to play maple pre-big bang. I stopped after they took genesis spamming away (for obvious reasons). I started law school and other life got in the way, so never really was able to return to maple. I tried playing real maple earlier today and they took everything away...there are no fm' party 30 people killing zakum...and apparently warriors have flash jump now? like wth. But I digress. I was looking for a way to live old memories and reminisce. If you could leave your IGN, I would love to play with you. I will add you as soon as my account issue is fixed; so far I have not created a character so I cannot really leave this with my IGN. But I look forward to doing quests, PQ's, bossing, and just talking about some deep stuff (without the use of mariguana preferably). Regards, Ashley or Ash (IGN: dont know yet ahah)