You can tell by my luck after 3 years using for the first time white scrolls 7/18 on zhelm and after a month they releasing scarlion and targa.. slow clap. Spoiler: kappa Nerf stats
Naw u done fuq this time. Fire Drill 7.45am in the morning. People are having their breakfast for goodness sake. Heck, some people are still walking in from the main gate! Cuz office hours start at 8!!!!
You know what I heard about Amy? Amy likes pineapples on pizza. Icky, wriggly, disgusting, ugly pineapples! That's why I'm not friends with her. Amy has a cute singing voice. I heard her singing my favorite love song. Every time she sang the chorus, my heart would pound to the rhythm of the words. But she likes pineapples on pizza. That's why I'm not friends with her. One time, I hurt my leg really bad. Amy helped me up and took me to the nurse. I tried not to let her touch me. She likes pineapples on pizza, so her hands are probably gross. That's why I'm not friends with her. Amy has a lot of friends. I always see her talking to people. She probably talks about having pineapples on pizza. What if her friends start to like pineapples on pizza too? That's why I'm not friends with her. It doesn't matter if she has other hobbies. It doesn't matter if she keeps it private. It doesn't matter if it doesn't hurt anyone. It's gross. She's gross. The world is better off without pineapple pizza lovers. And I'm gonna tell everyone.
>new boss release >want helm >not asking others for help because they probably want helm too >solo boss >gets called selfish because i would rather solo the boss instead of helping you kill it for your helms k
I’m already past the 20 hour mark, and I still need 15-20 more monster cards to complete the orange section... I’m low key terrified of the light green section....
I have ADHD... Please understand that I will randomly get up and leave my computer, or I'll tab out and go down a rabbit hole on YouTube on a whim. I'm not ignoring you, or anyone (Unless you're Doton or Derk lul) I'm just easily distracted and forgetful. :c
So much new content. @-@ Spoiler: Note to Self 1714 magic now... +9: 9 int Moonstone Wedding Ring from 0 int Moonstone Wedding Ring (30 WS, 15b) > 1723 +14: 14 int Black Belt from 0 int N/A belt (30 WS, 15b) > 1737 +12: 62 int Dark Enigma (F) from 50 int Bathrobe for Women (50 WS, 25b) >1749 +8: 58 TMA Maple Magician Shield from 50 TMA Maple Shield (100 WS, 50b) >1757 +2: 34 int Crimsonheart Cloak from 32 TMA Purple Gaia Cape (80 WS, 40b) > 1759 +2: 44 TMA Flamekeeper Cordon from 42 TMA Brown Work Glove (50 WS, 25b) >1761 +10: 54 int Targa Hat (INT) from 44 int Zakum Helmet (100 WS, 50b) > 1771 +5: 12 int Almighty Ring from 7 int Almighty Ring > 1776 Remake: +2: 23 int White Raccoon Mask from 21 int Raccoon Mask > 1778 +2: +5 chaos on Black Belt > 1780 +2: +5 chaos on 2 slot Moonstone Wedding Ring > 1782 1782 max magic realistically possible, +68 from current Would need to: Run Dojo, Targa, Krexel Buy 14 TMA clean Flamekeeper Cordon 1711 magic +Echo of Hero = 1779 magic 1779 magic +Ssiws Cheese = 1999 magic ...And 1714 magic clean now. So can already hit max magic, GG. But no new landmark to hit, rip. Still tempting to get back into the game and just optimize the magician class perfectly again for shits and giggles. SoonTM
Hoho today's a good day! Inspected the A330-200F (DHL) and boy it was amaze balls! The technicians allowed me to go into the cockpit and hell yea, I got to chat with the pilot !!! Please la I want to fly one of these badboiis in the future
In game leaves me with far too many emotions to feel right now. This new cape I have made is both extremely exciting, and extremely terrifying. I am dreaming for the best, hoping for the positive, and terrified for the negative. I have never been stalked personally by a certain GM, but yesterday he did on his legit! I scrolled it once earlier today and it failed. I am thankful for White Scrolls, because without them, my 31 WA dream would be crushed! I can control who I am friends with. I cannot control your jealousy of your friends spending time with me. So why do you need to be angry at me, or want nothing to do with me, when I have literally done nothing to you? You can lie to me, and say you aren't upset with me. I'm not sorry for who I spend my time with though.
ANNOYING CHERRY WITH VERBAL DIARRHEA is my new favourite insult. Spoiler: No Its from a webtoon called Unlovable Replacement
my mouth ulcers hurt more than getting -5 on your last CS fuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk drink more water guys
Sooo... I’m a little freaked out. My cat has these tiny plastic balls with little bells in them that she loves to play with. One of the balls was in our bathroom upstairs, by the bathtub. I was walking from my bedroom to the kitchen, when I heard the ball jingle around in the bathroom. At first I thought it was the dog, but then I remembered she wasnt even in the house. The thing is, my cat was asleep on my bed, and my dog is with my dad 3 hours away at our trailer by the lake. So I walked out of the living room, asked my mom if she heard the little bell rolling around the floor, and she said she did. She thought it was my cat, but my cat was nowhere near the bathroom... o-o When I walked back to my room, I checked the bathroom and our air vent was closed so the heater couldn’t have blown the ball across the floor. That and the ball was now behind the toilet. I like to think it was my baby boy. He loved to chase those little balls around right up until he was too weak to do so, during his last few days... :c he was such a fluffy kitty. I miss him so much.
I lowkey don't like the new monster cards, because it's kinda like Pokemon Go. It makes people wander around looking for cards in maps I would usually always be left alone in, including ez nx bosses.