Hello! I am in the process of raising a Shad. I learned from some people about using Mouse Keys to more conveniently than using my mouse to drop mesos. I was interested in using this technique as well. My issue is I do not have a Num pad on my laptop. If I really wanted to, I have an external keyboard with Numpad that I can connect wirelessly. But I do not want to always bring it out every time I plan to bomb. So I was wondering what alternatives that people without Num pads have been using to access Mouse Keys. Thank you!
Using Mouse Keys is pressing Ctrl+V+5. You'll find yourself hitting V then 5 in that order back and forth which is 2 button presses. People got banned doing something with the + button; Num+. I'm not familiar with that method but i do know it's a 1:2 action which is bannable. I drop the regular way; Ctrl+V and regular mouse clicking. What i found useful for laptops is that you don't have your mouse sliding a bit when clicking at the same time. If you got a mean Nintendo finger for the mouse pad button, you'll be set to go.
I'm Bandit myself. Once I get Meso Explosion I'll just use the normal method, of CTRL + V, and place the meso drop window on the meso button in the inventory. That's the easiest way, man. If there's a faster way, as you can probably tell, it can be bannable. Better be safe.
Thank you for the replies, I decided to just be safe and do it the traditional way of clicking with my mouse