Title. 9 ATT 0 Slots Facestompers. The shoes are item tagged. SOLD FOR NEGOTIATED A/W S/B: 4b A/W: 4.5b Selling roughly 24-48 hours after s/b, but willing to waive this to accommodate certain individuals/circumstances I accept the following payment methods: WS/CS @ 400 Bil Coin, you cover tax Pure mesos 5-6 STR Ring Bulk amounts of Top STR 30% @ 1m each, Top STR 70% @ 2m each, Bottom DEX 70% @ 2.5m each, 1-H BW 30% @ 1m each Other easily resold items at below market value (don't hesitate to offer, but know that I will value them lower than they are worth to compensate for the inconvenience of reselling them/risk of potential market fluctuations) Reference point for pricing: (8 ATT s/b met @ 3.5b less than a week ago): https://royals.ms/forum/threads/8att-fs.138211/ (8 ATT sold for 3.5b a/w 10 days ago): https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-8-atk-facestompers.137266/ (8 ATT sold for 3.5-4b 1 month ago): https://royals.ms/forum/threads/s-8-att-shoes-fs.136892/ (9 ATT listed for 4.5b s/b 20-ish days ago): https://royals.ms/forum/threads/9-att-fs.137194/ If you feel my price does not reflect the market value or is unfair please feel free to provide supporting evidence as to why and I will have absolutely no problem taking it into consideration Post or PM any offers/questions, and if you would like to remain anonymous I will gladly accommodate that request. Thank you