I have two @ 75m a pop if you'd like. Can accommodate almost any timezone. PM me if you'd like them and let me know your next planned online time. Sold them to the stubborn lil shit below me >:[
Also B>Naricain's Demon Elixir, 65m each! Whisper Fyleri first, then try Yulia! Or just tell me on shoutbox ez. 8/11 bought so far. Yup! We were talking and planning it today, just have to find out who is available when. Got a lot of logistics figured out! Going to test several plans and find out which is the best before we do it for real. Inb4 practice run is already 1 minute 1 second faster than our old run so we accidentally set the new record. Bought it ez ahi. ^ I'll buy them if you're in a rush! Nessi and I are just buying them to collect for our upcoming speedrun anyway. Here's my owl screenshot for your reference: Special thanks to CASHMEINSIDE for being a pleasant and nice person.
Ez meme speedrun day. Need 3 more Naricain's Demon Elixirs, 8/11! First run @Hampa's SE dced in second prehead. Second run we finished, 24:15. New record is 24:04. Slower by 11 seconds. We were talking about what we could have done better and we were pretty bummed. Then @Hampa said... HT speedrun soonTM. We just need your att pots, B>!
https://royals.ms/forum/threads/horntail-speed-run-2019.139464/ 23:13! But examining and re-examining the run, we could have done a lot better. Just one thing was we could've been at least 32 seconds faster if @Tim DPSed Left Hand like in our practice runs instead of trying to not dc for the first minute. Ray home again 3 weeks! Going for 22 minutes then! B>Naricain's Demon Elixirs, 65m each! 0/11 bought so far!
Bump! Completed one set for a new speedrun, LF>another! 9/11. Probably buying 55 total for 5 more runs and see just how perfect we can get the run down to.
I got 200 AP Resets waiting to help wash your baby NL in exchange when you do get them. Hope you have better luck with 8 att MON hahaha!