Oh, ok, I think I get it. While I don't know Anapaula, I would wager to say the difference between those two cases is probably 100% verifiable evidence. It's not hard to look at screen shots or chat logs to see the context of what "N" means and use that to arrive to a conclusion, whereas without any direct evidence implicating Anapaula beyond hearsay it is pretty hard to justify a ban. It's kinda the same with the OJ trial, everyone knew he was guilty, but the evidence just didn't back it up well enough. Unless there is direct evidence against Anapaula, in which case, yes, this should set a (potentially dangerous) precedent.
Wow, is this thread for real? Why are people even concerned? Just.. don't try and see how far you can push things. You'll be fine if you behave, it doesn't need a lengthy discussion about precedents, etc. Never understood why people like trying to get the "form janitors" to play these stupid games...
I too recently has been banned by merely typing the phase “n-word” and as per my conversation with the great saint @Evan i was banned for apparently “circumventing a racial slur”, i originally have no plans to clarify my ban on this christian forums where no jokes are allowed but since this thread is created, i thought to myself “maybe i shall be the young poor hungry boy in ww2 to wield my stick and stones to fight off the oppressor. Just 3 questions Evan and the heavenly and righteous GM that reported my post on @Mrkaren post 1) me posting this comment on karen’s wall is no doubt a direct message that is directed to him, as such if he wasn’t the one offended, why do i still get banned? It is as if I am talking shit about my imaginary friend “Evanee” in my mind but a random passerby which has totally no relation to me or/and my friend gets offended and decided to call the cops. 2) there are 3921 words thats starts with a N. So why is it so quick for a verdict to be passed now as me refering to the God forbidden word that discriminates people of a black skintone. Even if i really had the intention to use that word with the intention to discriminate them, why and how did you come in conclusion that i am doing so? 3) be it the old maple royals forums and the current one, Countless times the phase “n-word” has been used, why aren’t they banned? If I am banned for using it, I would assume that the past 6-7 years of forums accounts that used that phase should be banned too, in all fairness. Unless you’re telling me you moderators are biased and selfish. (JUST MY HUMBLE OPINIONS) ps oh ye, using the word jews with relations of them being “greedy for meso/gold” is fine but just typing “n-word” gets you banned, real cool
The forums = public = not okay PM = Private = okay Just because it's his profile doesn't give a pass- this has always been the case. If you guys feel the need to use such words, and yes, short hand in an attempt to say a word you know you shouldn't be saying here, you should do so in non-public places. Tim has already answered the second one, although I suspect you're out more to make a point than actually ask a question. To further my previous point- I have already talked to you about #3 in PM's when you were banned- you should report those posts. People aren't being singled out- we don't live on the forums, if it's something we see we can handle it- if not we rely heavily on people reporting things. You don't want to report anything so I still don't get why you keep bringing it up. Spoiler: Post from PM
why must i do your job for you, if it is against the rules then as a forum moderator, shouldnt you be hunting them down instead of asking someone like me to report?
I think you underestimate the amount of new posts every day- completely ignoring edits and profile posts which aren't counted in the some-odd 700k posts on the forum- I actually have a full time job I do during the day and a life as well, I'm not on the forums 24/7. You don't have to do anything- just don't get bitter when someone reported your post and you get in trouble, but you won't do the same.
Ill just reaffirm my point before this thread gets locked down like the rest after you @Evan realise you cannot keep it under control. You as a person decided and willingly volunteered to be a forum moderator with little to no incentive, as for the reason i dont know why and i dont care why would someone do it. Yes if i see someone that types offensive words, i can report them. But to make it clear, you are the Moderator of this forums. It is your job to do it, read above message, you want to be a moderator not me. Dont pull a cheap one off in hopes of me doing your shit job (aka saikang) while you post forum threads that has literally no relation in improving the forums, and if i am able to comment, the state of this horrible forums is indirectly caused by you. And now before you ask me to find reasons/evidence on my slanderous comment. I would like to reaffirm my point, its my own fricking opinions. If offending a staff member which in no reason is affecting the game or the forums itself can get me banned, then you guys deserve a standing ovation Stop trying to pull the good man card like you I observed always do, its really disgusting
You’re not on the forums 24/7, yes i agree. But when you’re on, you’re usually in the shoutbox (WHAT I OBSERVED) or making shitpost threads Yeah i am bitter for being banned for something which seems to not only me but alot of others to be unjustified, now let me ask you. Aside from me and others in the past posting comments on how shit you do your job , how do you feel? Gonna pull off a “dosent affect me card”?
yeah a good return muff, time to be an unpaid intern and do work for you guys!!! #careergoals coooooool
Well you either want things to change, in which case staff applications are always looked at -or- you're just here to complain because you are bitter.
'i was aware of this rule but now that i'm banned i'm going to speak up against it' 'why can't i use the n word but am allowed to use regular cuss words' 'me saying the n word isn't against the rules because i'm saying it to a friend and not to discriminate the race it has been used against' you can make anything subjective and argue it, choosing not to see the simple truth and answer. besides why are you guys so keen on using the term? deciding the weight of the word yourselves like you have any right to? if you really want to say it and its a part of your daily speech go off anywhere but the forum where it is illegal for whatever reason they've made it which besides should be obvious. everybody has different morals and expectations but if the rule isn't terribly evil why not just follow it or face the concequences when youve taken the risk to do it instead of rant that the staff are scheming on you
If he ban = overboard If he don't ban = not doing his job #BlameEvan Like you mentioned, he's the forum moderator - but you disagreed with what he did despite other Staff agreeing abusing of N word is bad on the forum We know what the N means as emphasized by Tim
id like to bring up this ban appeal again that the staff did nothing about Your Character Names: GoFast Last thing you did: Called someone "a little nig_ger" Why do you think you got banned?: Idk, I don't see anything wrong with that he received no punishment for this and is clearly inferring its fine to use that word and as you would put it taunted the system with the" _" when i pm'd staff about it they said he didnt say it in game so no action was taken how does someone get banned on the forums for saying "n" but this guy is fine
I rather you use other examples, cause this guy was ban at the time mainly for making a believable claim of glitch abuse https://royals.ms/forum/threads/im-banned.138188/#post-813137 Which is more serious than saying the N word
Can you not be banned for multiple things, or can multiple things not add time? Like, if you know you're going to be found guilty of a major/moderate infraction, if it only applies the highest, you might as well do everything on the minor infractions list, cause it doesn't matter