Ever since I started playing again I've been having this exact same issue: https://royals.ms/forum/threads/new-player-fresh-install-cant-play-in-window-mode.139679/ It didn't bother me that much to only play on full screen, but it's starting to be a bit frustrating for a couple of reasons (multi clienting being one of them). I tried doing the same method that was given on the thread that I linked on this post. However the refresh rate keeps reverting back to 59. All I could do was read a little about it online, and found out that there's no way around it. Any suggestions or any other possible way to play on window mode? Multi client and play on window mode? Many thanks!
(Running on Windows 10) Unfortunately it didn't help. Tried all those methods, still having the same issue.
If your computer / monitor kept changing back to 59 refresh hz, you need to Google the settings for your PC model Heard some PC are unable to adjust this refresh rate
I'm with the same problem. But, i can't play even in the full screen mode. Just doesn't work. the same error ever