A guide to all the (not nx) rings available in MapleRoyals. V.3 - Thanks to @Tect for the remaining wedding rings! Also added remaining scroll images and contents. Contents: Event rings Boss drop rings Quest rings Wedding rings Available scrolls ------------------------------------------- Event rings: New Beginnings Ring aka the ring you will never get This ring was only available for the first 72 hours post-wipe in 2013. 2 Carat Lovebirds Wedding Ring This ring has nothing to do with ingame marriage. Obtainable during the Valentines Event each year. Usually involves participating in the King Slime event boss. Taking active part in killing the boss will reward you with a Valentines Present. Exchanging these 20/30 times guarantees the ring. Pumpkin Pie Ring Obtainable during the Thanksgiving Event each year. Usually involves trading sets of thanksgiving ingredients to Grandma Benson in Henesys. Exchanging 10/20 sets rewards you with this ring. While this ring is a unique equipped item, the ring item ID changes every year due to the description being different. As a result you can do this: Zombie Army Ring Obtainable during the Halloween Event each year. Usually involves participating in the Pierre event boss. Taking active part in killing the boss will reward you with a Plump Pumpkin Box. Exchanging these 20/30 times guarantees the ring. Circle of Ancient Thought and Circle of Ancient Strength Obtainable during the Summer Event each year. Obtainable via the quests The Legendary Tribal Ring: Circle of Ancient Strength/Ancient Thought. There is a LVL15 requirement for Ancient Strength. First complete a quest for Kopee by grinding any mob for a Miwok Artifact Piece. Kopee will then offer you these quests once per day. Kopee will ask you to collect ETC items that are obtainable from any monster. This ring has random stats and can be from 1/1 to 8/8. ------------------------------------------- Boss drop rings: Almighty Ring The LVL140 boss Krexel drops 1 ring per kill. Worst possible stats are +1 all. Best possible stats are +8 all. 2 upgrade slots. This ring is not one-of-a-kind so you can pick up multiple. However it is a unique equipped item so you can only equip one. Lowest possible level to obtain this ring is LVL70 however the prequest requires killing enemies up to LVL115. These are sold for around 40m but like the Zakum Helmet you will need to complete the prequest and loot it in the map. Ifia's Ring Rarely dropped by the Rose Garden solo boss, the penultimate quest in Castle Leonheart. Worst possible stats are +0 all. Best possible stats are +7 all. 1 upgrade slot. This ring is not one-of-a-kind so you can pick up multiple. However it is a unique equipped item so you can only equip one. ------------------------------------------- Quest rings: Ring of Alchemist Reward from the eraser quest Han the Broker and the Mysterious Mineral. Guide for completing this quest can be found here. Quest is repeatable. Ring is tradeable and you can equip as many as you like. 1 upgrade slot. Ephenia's Ring Can be crafted by NPC Ellin in Deep Fairy Forest after the Ellin Forest prequest has been completed. Guide for this quest line can be found here. Altaire Fragments can be acquired by completing Ellin Forest PQ (1 per run) Chao Tusk is dropped by Chao. Ephenia's Soul Shard is dropped by Ephenia. Ellin Crystal is rarely dropped by numerous mobs, Ephenia and as an Ellin Forest PQ reward. Ring is untradeable and you can only equip one. ------------------------------------------- Wedding Rings: All wedding rings are untradeable and one-of-a-kind. You can only obtain one ring. Moonstone Wedding Ring and Star Gem Wedding Ring Magic DEF 30 3 upgrade slots Golden Heart Wedding Ring and Silver Swan Wedding Ring Magic DEF 10 2 upgrade slots Moonstone and Star Gem are superior but require more costly ingredients. If you and your spouse are close to each other with your rings equipped, there will be a special effect. For example: See this guide on how to get married and obtain one of these rings. Also includes all ring effects. ------------------------------------------- Scrolls available for rings: 10% scrolls are available in STR, DEX, INT and LUK - they add +3 and are tradeable. They are obtainable as rewards from events such as Golden Richie's Golden Egg and the Cake Boss. 30% scrolls are available in STR, DEX, INT and LUK - they add +3 and are tradeable. They are obtainable from the Ghostly Being that spawns during Halloween. 60% scrolls are available in STR, DEX, INT and LUK - they add +2 and are tradeable. They are obtainable as a drop from the boss Auf Haven in Neo Tokyo. 70% scrolls are available in STR, DEX, INT and LUK - they add +2 and are tradeable. They are obtainable from the Ghostly Being that spawns during Halloween. Plus you can use Chaos Scroll 60% of course. Available from Mushroom Shrine gachapon and as a drop from LVL140 Zakum.
So in theory the best rings to choose would be (aside from the unattainable one): Wedding Ring 13 one stat or 8/8 two stat Krex Ring 18 each stat Valentines Ring 1 ATT 3 all stats Alchemist Ring 6 each stat Correct?
While this is bumped, we should probably edit the post cause Lyka doesn't drop Chaos Scroll anymore. They moved it to Zakum.
Zhelm vip used to be 100m last year tho and gene20 about a bil if not mistaken I guess scar helm explains part of the zhelm decrease though its better right?
More competition as well. We had an influx of players returning and signing up during the quarantine. All those players are able to run Zak now so people have had to lower their prices to be competitive. It's the same thing with Horntail. VIP used to be 400M. It goes for like half that now.
Just a guess based on the amount of forum accounts I see that were made around march/april 2020 and the re-introduction threads I see on the forum.
We recently got Ifia's Ring. I don't know of any other ones added besides that one. Ifia's is allstat 0-2 (7 godly), 1 slot, untradable, unique equipped. Drops at around a 10% chance from rose garden boss