Your Character Names: HenMizrahi Last thing you did: at the FM channel 17 Why do you think you got banned?: No idea, never did anything wrong, i just suddenly got disconnected from the game and when i tried to log in it said my account has been blocked Ban message when attempting to log in: This is an ID that has been deleted or blocked from connection What GM banned you (optional): No idea
please list all of your characters, also explain how you obtained the 10 ws / 10 cs that you attempted to sell on your level 78 mage.
Hey, so first of all i only have 1 character in this account, second of all its not 10WS and 10CS it was more like 3 CS and 6 WS, and third, someone just traded me in the FM and said he's quitting the game so he gave me all bunch of stuff before he goes so it wouldn't go to waste, please explain to me why did i get banned for this lmao?
dude wtf? i have no idea who he was or whats his IGN, like i was saying, i was hanging at the FM ch1 to buy ap reset and this guy approached me, unless you have any proof he stole those items or something you cant ban me for no reason i spent hours on this account, dude what are you doing??
I'd like to remind you that this is your ban appeal where you have to prove your innocence, not the other way around. Incidents like the one you described don't just happen without prior chats to it for example. If you want us to clear your name you'll have to give us more details: - did you have any chat with this person, and if so in which chat did it happen (e.g Trade) - try to remember their ign again, I find it hard to believe you can't remember this detail considering a random person just traded you abnormal amount of mesos in scrolls according to what you claim edit: if you feel like there is anything else that you can add and will help us clear your name, feel free to do so.
dude i don't think you know how a trail works, you cant ban me for ''suspicious activities'' if i did nothing wrong and you have no proof of me doing anything ''suspicious'' i already told you i don't even know this dude, i don't know his IGN, he just traded me in FM and told me he quit the game so he don't need these items no more, why is this my fault?? this whole chat happened in the trade chat, and i didn't even think about taking a screenshot because its obviously not an illegal thing to do lol, are you seriously telling me you're banning me for receiving an item? i've spent hours on this server and you just decide to kick me off lmao, take the scrolls for all i care i just want my user back.
please stop attempting to turn the situation into something it isn't, this is not a real life trial but your ban appeal. i'll try to make myself more clear about the reason you're currently banned: last time we checked you had a total of 13 ws or cs on your character, which you attempted to sell for 30m under the market price and we wanted to know it's origin as you are not able to obtain them as a new player / level 78 mage. When we ask you the origin of the scrolls you claim you were given it by a random who just traded you in the FM, people don't just trade 5B to someone beside real world trade activities, you don't seem to cooperate other than blaming us. Unfortunately the information you provided so far doesn't help us clear you name and if you can't provide us with more details your permanent ban for suspicious activity that is also a real world trade suspicion will remain.
your appeal is denied after you admitted to me in PMs that you know who gave you the scrolls, and that you're not willing to cooperate, as well as saying you'll evade your ban anyway, good luck