I can't remember the last time I installed a game and decided to read the terms and condition. I scrolled to the very bottom so the accept box is clickable. Rules are rules at the end of the day, but minor account sharing should be differentiated to major for abusive purposes in my humble opinion.
I'm sure you read the TOS for everything you've ever signed up for. I mean honestly, courts rule against companies for TOS issues because the company should know nobody is reading it. I like the aforementioned idea of a checkbox for major rules. Break it down into one or two sentences and force users to check a box for every rule. People still won't read them, but it reduces the ability to plead ignorance.
I can proudly (not really) say I didn't read a single rule of royals when I joined. I learned most of the rules by visiting ban appeals and report abuse sections (visible to public back then). However, I'd have no room to complain if I broke a rule because of my ignorance, that's something I called for. I'm aware of the way people don't read rules when signing an online contract hence I made multiple feedbacks in the past to raise awareness among new players. Latest amended idea (thanks to ilyssia) was to implement a maple tv in FM to alert the newbies of the possible consequences - knowing that pre-warnings yield 0 effect.
Not trying to deny that it is still player's fault for not reading rules. My suggestion is to add 1 more tier before permanent ban, a good second chance, which I don't think any harm could be done to any party.
but sadly this is not the case, see how many account sharing are categorized as major abuse giving permanent ban on first offence, instead of minor account sharing 30days ban.
I think the ToS should stay the same way but better differentiating between minor and major would be nice. I feel like this would be a common offense for lot of new comers in this server and constantly permanently banning everyone doesn't sound healthy for the population growth, especially if they shared account with no ill intent. I occasionally see people who discover that vote abusing is not allowed and write up their own ban appeals admitting their fault to be punished for a 14 day ban. I feel like account sharing should be punished the same way. When people express these concerns and everybody jumps on a bandwagon and say something along the lines of "It's your fault for not readying the ToS". It really makes me sad because really that doesn't solve the problem in the grand scheme of things and it's only making the banned player feel even more shit Food for thought
And how do we exactly do this? Until proper modification is done to better differentiating between minor and major, the easiest solution is adding 1more tier to the current major abuse category. More non-malicious players are getting banned as long as this rules is here. Those who disagreed, give me reasons other than "It's your fault for not reading the ToS" Tell me what harm it could bring by adding 1more tier before permanent ban?
In my opinion some kid who decides to log on his brothers account to try out their high level character or gach for them is not the same as 2 people consistently rotating playing the same character to sell leech for impossibly long stretches . There is a clear difference between those two situations and it should be treated as such. Those are very much common occurances that both net the same punishment. Id like to see the kid who logged their friends acc instead hit with a 6 month or year ban instead of a perma. 6 months or a year is plenty long enough to be severe enough of a deter but also leave room for a persons return. Most people will not repeat the offense after that long of a time and well have more people to be aprt of the community. A forever punishment just seems so excessive to me