Your Character Names: TheBluePrint Last thing you did: created the account for the first time in my history of mapleroyals Why do you think you got banned?: no idea. ppl say in chat it is a mac ban or something Ban message when attempting to log in: when i put the password after choosing the character it says unable to connect to game server What GM banned you (optional): tried restart modem, not using VPN, no one ever played royals via this computer neither this internet connection .
Hey there, yes , it is still dcing me with the same message after i select the character and put the code. what could be the issue
You’re only allowed to bump your thread once every 24 hours. Please be patient and await the administrator’s response.
Because Tim gets busy handling a lot of other appeals as well as doing his normal duties as an admin. Just remain patient and he will get back to you when he’s available.
the account, mac and ip address you provided arent banned. you need to figure out if you have additional mac addresses (from vpn or other related software or hardware) or double check what you're connecting through and provide that info to us by inbox if you want us to check if thats possibly blocking you from accessing the game. since you arent banned this appeal will be closed