Since you don't wanna face the issue head on, I won't force you So you feel this server lacks compassion, 80% of the comments are rude and but also mentioned other members pointed out my sociopath tendency - does that mean only 20% pointed out my sociopath tendency?
What the fuck are you even on about dude. Who gives a fuck what percentage thinks what you said was sociopathic, the point is you're devoid of compassion and an absolute donkey for commenting so harshly directly to the person of mourning. I heard you got demoted and wow was that deserving if true. What am I avoiding head on? The gent who was banned probably wouldn't even come back if unbanned, the point I'm making here is that most of you are fucking jerks and wouldn't say this in person at all BC no one is that heartless. The GMs failed the community by making such a stupid choice when clearly it's not black and white. By thinking everything is binary you fail a large portion of the community. Well done Dave.
Yea I can confirm you that I was demoted If the point is about me devoid of compassion and absolute donkey, point taken. If the guy who was banned won't wanna come back, he won't even appeal it. He appealed several times cause he wanna come back.
Where are those multiple appeals BC I know for a fact he was Not only banned from the discord but also the forums. You guys are cowards who silenced an individual having an important conversation and civilly at that too. Never did he throw an insult, act like a dick, or say anything rude in any way. You guys banned him and Toph, I was reading everything they said and you banned them and therefore DELETED everything they said regardless of if it was valid or not, further proving the point that you lack compassion, not only that but you wanted to bury the whole situation.
1) He made the first Ban Appeal at Forum, was denied. He was also banned from forum for the RWT claim (not for silencing him) 2) He proceeded to appeal at Discord's #gm-assistance, twice. First is when I was still a mod, second was after I was demoted. 3) The Staff did not delete everything they said, go check the Discord. 4) No comment about burying the whole situation - I can only say I didn't amend the screenshot that was uploaded for my advantage.
First of all. Appealing on the discord is not a formal appeal because he was asking for clarification Second of all, he didn't appeal once on discord, he asked why he was banned an wanted an explanation since, he was banned of course. Also a simple RMT CLAIM key word here being CLAIM got him banned? Third of all I did check, and none of its there. Please, go ahead. It was in GM assistance and banning someone autodeletes their messages.
Infractions by Extension: Believable Claim - The act of making any claim to have broken any other rule listed above that we deem believable, including posing, impersonating, or otherwise claiming to be a player who has broken a rule. Punishment: Identical to actually breaking the rule.
It's not about it being applicable, it's about how a joke can get you banned, but that's this servers rule and it's clear. I just find it silly.
->S>my account 60$ -> gets caught by a GM before they've actually done any RWT -> LOL JUST KIDDING BRO Without the rule, that'd be unbannable
They can moderate transactions and have chat logs, sure you can claim jokes but there's further evidence to prove otherwise. I don't disagree with that rule, I find it silly how strict it is but again at least it's firm and clear.
I am literally there and nothing else has appeared. Only that message. Edit: had a friend check for keywords from screenshots I'd saved and he also cannot find a large portion of messages sent.
I spoke to him about this I not sure where he get this info but he was mistaken about the rule of RWT. He thought it's 7 days ban for actual RWT, but perma-ban for RWT joke. I have emphasized both acts are perma-bans
If your large portion of messages referring to the messages they sent before getting banned, then yes - the most recent messaged was deleted upon ban However, not everything was deleted If you feel their latest messages made valid points, you can just upload them here?
And what would that do? They were already banned for saying what they thought? Has it not already been buried by you guys? Maybe you all shouldn't be so quick to ban folk, I wonder if that's the takeaway from all of this.
They were banned for spamming at #gm-assistance If I wanted to bury the situation, I would have banned him while I was the mod - I didn't Did you really read the Discord chatlog and someone else sent you bits of screenshot?
I was there for the entirety of the conversation and not once, and I state not one single time was either of them redirected for the conversation I saw. Not once. Just another piece of info that implies that you guys are quick to draw. And yes, I have my own screen shots as well as screenshots that other royal members have sent me.
They were told to continue discussion at #general and not continue in #gm-assistance I rather you compile the screenshots that doesn't miss out anything and upload here to prove your point