I am wondering which is better? pure spear or hybrid? I saw the 3rd job skill guide which spear crusher, elemental resistance, power crush, and dragon roar is needed to max. Can i get some opinion about the rest of skill points need to add to which skill ? thanksss ^^
If you're solo grinding, consider going hybrid because Polearm Fury really helps with training from lv70-8X, especially at maps like wolf spiders where spawns are dense and concentrated in a spot. But if you're gonna leech all the way, I suggest just going pure spear. As for SP build I'd suggest keeping sacrifice at Lv3 or add them to Lv20/21 (10% hp removal) for better HP control. Dump the rest into Dragon Blood (but don't use it, it sucks) and available 1st/2nd job skills that you didn't max.
Hybrid is better from 3 reasons: 1. Final attack is useless for dk. 2. Dragon blood, magic crush and sacrifice are useless skills too, so you can max pole arm fury (dont max pole arm crusher, its useless). 3. Pole arm fury helped me train my way to 135. But I'v done a big mistake, which is not reaching 18.75k hp by this lvl, so i couldnt boss properly at 135. And pole arm fury helped me lvling the few more lvls i needed for max hp. So yea, go for hybrid and gl~