Whatever your reason might be I just want to know people's opinions. -Result of this voting will not be changing the game-
Ease of farming is the one major upside of playing a mage class. It ties back to that whole balancing argument about how mages aren't sufficient attackers and aren't recruited into boss runs because of that. Which is how it should be IMO. Attacker classes shouldn't be able to use mage mules as an alternative to farming the event etc. on their attacker class itself. Instead they should have to endure the struggle of farming them for oneself the same way a mage would have to endure the struggle of finding a boss party to accept them, or the same way a mage would struggle to kill a boss individually. Personally I've always loved the idea of all quest etc. being untradeable to fully balance the perks and downsides of the different classes, but that's a discussion for...well, never most likely lol.
We all can agree we make mages to hit entire map to kill monsters faster. When you lvl your mage, you will eventually be able to 1hit ulu or petri. My opinion is that most mages dont need candles to get any items from the coin shop. So i think we should at least make money out of it by selling it to non mages
For me personally it pretty much killed the event but oh well you cant always make every one happy. It just sucks being on the unhappy side. Too bad i enjoy playing the game the way its not supposed to be played i guess.
I'm on the end of my third day of the event and I've only been able to collect 800 candles on my Shadower. In these 3 days I've played around 5-6 hours a day. Did all the events every day (JQ / PQ / Cake / Gold leaf). I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or if it's just really hard to reach 1000 candles. (Considering I probably need a lot of these 6th Anniversary earrings to get decent stats). I do agree that a change might be neccesary to make it doable (also for people that go on vacation and don't have all the time to farm) If anybody has some tips to gain more candles that would be appreciated
I believe the goal was to decrease the dependency of using mages to do everything- if the drop rate is increased a good amount it still accomplishes this and makes it less awful for other classes- but it should still be awful since most classes aren't meant to be great farmers (but of course it should still be doable.
If the idea of the change was to make the event awful for a large portion of the playerbase then that's a terrible decision
it seems awful to everyone (including me), but you have to realize that nothing is free, you have to work for it. the GMs are just doing their best to make it as fair as possible. in previous years when candles were tradable, people were just paying mesos for it , (i think its very similar to pay to win). and i have seen people going for the anniversary earrings, purchased over 50 of them basically from buying candles with mesos. The whole purpose of the events are for everyone to take part in it, not paying to win i think what they did for making candle untradable is good. Sorry if i trigger everyone ... this is just my opinion
When you say pay to win, it is hard to understand because people have to earn meso unless they are hackers. If they are able to afford the candles then they worked for those candles. And we all know there is no non mages out there killing the monsters to gain candles. They have mages kill and just pick up the candles.
In my opinion there are many pros and cons that come with the untradeable candles this year. Pros: - Lower amount of candles required to buy most items compared to last year - Drop rate increased (?) Cons: - Very slow to mass farm amounts of candles on a non - mage - Self farmers cannot capitalize on revenue by selling it - People that don't participate in the event cannot reap the benefits of the rewards that are untradeable (such as the anniversary earrings) I suggest rewarding a set amount of candles gained for successfully killing cake (maybe 150-200), completing the balloon pq (maybe 20-50 each pq), and exchanging the golden leaf from tree (maybe 20-50 each exchange) to remedy the slow candle gains compared to last year. Buffing the amount of candles/sunshine gained from the anniversary jq would be good too. Overall this should increase the amount of traffic as a whole since there is a "guaranteed" reward. There are obviously tedious work arounds like bringing the character to a map like ulu1/2, and using pet loot to collect all the candles while the mage ignores the candles. It is also worth noting that bosses don't drop candles in a bundle right now (not sure if they are not intended to, in my experience horntail and krexel drops bundled sunshines)
By comparison- my point is mages should still have a better time farming than a NL. I'm sure side by side no matter the drop rate it'll be awful in comparison but there's no reason the farming needs to be near impossible either to get a normal amount of items on a non-mage. Edit: This is why having a higher drop rate is a better solution than making them buyable- it increases playability without making it almost essential to have a AM on speed dial.
Mages that want to sell candles for mesos can't do so. Non-mages can't farm candles efficiently because no map wide spells. Or did you ever hear of people getting rich consistently through bossing? Im looking at you sids Let's face it, 80-90% of the entire mage population was made to farm items and mule them to their respective attacker mains. Now people can't do that. Kind of killed the event for me aswell.
the event is to encourage everyone to participate in, paying mesos to buy anniversary rewards shows no participating . if a rich mapler has a lot of mesos, yes he earned it, but he buys candles and exchange for items . what is the difference with pay to win? if i rich in real life, i earned it. if royals decided to release anniversary event earring for real money and i buy 50 of them. either scenario : paying mesos or paying real money for candle did not partipicate in events at all and no. there are alot of non mage hitting monsters for candle . i am at 379 now!
While I agree that they should not be able to be purchased by attacker classes, you do not know what pay to win means. Pay to win means paying real life money for virtual in-game benefits (whether that be levels, currency, items, etc. with untradeable cosmetics excluded). Pay to win does not mean paying for your virtual items with the virtual currency used in-game.