Character Name: Smarter, PandaScheme, Universal Last Thing You Did: Farming for candles in Jr Wraith with both Smarter and PandaScheme Why do you think you got banned: I have no clue whatsoever Ban Message when attempting to log in: This Id has been deleted or blocked from connection. What GM banned you: No idea, I didn't even know I got banned, I haven't played in close to a week. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Also, I didn't personally train at master chronos, I paid someone in game for leech. you can go through the logs if you want. I didn't do what I'm being accused of
can i review it myself? I don't think its fair to permanently ban someone who has been playing this game for 3 years without any incident and 1 incidence destroys all credibility
Hacking bans give no exceptions. We have no obligation to reveal evidence to keep the anonymity of the reporter.
Thats fine, I understand what your saying. But what your implying is that if you report anyone for hacking that person would be banned regardless of evidence?
even if that person has done nothing of the sort, seems to be a shit rule I'm sorry excuse the profanity but it is.
Except they do have enough to prove that you were hacking in that map. Unfortunately your appeal has been denied and will not be discussed any further.
I wasn't hacking, I've never hacked, its a lie and unfortunately, you just don't give a shit to care.