Ign : madnexxx Country / timezone : Gt/ gmt-6 Tell us what do you want to do on our ship : Make some boss run meet new ppl in rms
Please PM Tykki for invitation. Welcome! To everyone, thank you for the kind support. We have come to the end of this public recruitment. Welcome all the 10 new members to Nakama!
Hello Jae. Sorry to inform you that we are currently not recruiting. We wish all the best to you for joining a better guild than [N]akama.
1st Guild Anniversary Photo in Maple Hill Tree!~~ We did blew up the tree. Thanks to Sena,Eze,Wl and others who I missed out! Thanks Everyone for coming! Remember to use ur anni coins!!!
GUILD OUTING SESSION Bonding time with these fun people in real life throughout the months. We organize many meet ups in Malaysia and Singapore from time to time. These are some photos from our meet-ups. ~ Ah yessss these people are fun and great ~ New feature on the first page of our guild forum ❤ Nakama ❤