From what I've seen, most APQ loot drama is caused by pets. I think most of us do our best to mitigate this, by checking how many apples we have beforehand, counting them as we loot them (so we can spot if we seem to have gained an extra apple) and keeping an eye on what our pet is doing, but it's hard to be perfect, and some people are better at "being aware" than others. Also, pets are really annoying on the bottom 2 rows, as they can easily be on the platform above/ below instead of alongside their master. This is probably where most looting dramas occur. One solution that was suggested in the past was that people could only loot what came out of their own boxes. I don't like this idea though, because sometimes it's actually beneficial to be able to loot each others stuff. I have had a few apples grabbed for me that I would have missed before time ran out, or that landed in a strange place I couldn't reach (definitely an issue on my warrior, which lacks good movement skills). So, what I wonder is if it would be better to remove pet loot in the bonus stage. The number of people who actively try to steal apples seems to be low, the number of people who accidentally steal apples with their pet and then handle it poorly is a lot higher. If there is concern about the extra time looting takes, then (depending on implementation challenges of course, not sure if it's possible to do as I don't know whether the timer is decided client side or server side, I fear client as surely they would have fixed the CWKPQ issues if those timers were server side...), what about increasing the time a bit?
I mean people who pick up other people's apples KNOW they're doing it, they just dont give a damn. It not like you're opening 10 boxes at the time and you didnt notice, you can clearly see when an apple that isnt yours is flying towards you, for them its just free money.
I believe if the looting of apples is disabled for APQ, probably should be done for bosses as well to reduce drama of Zakum Helmet or TT 10 being looted by buyer not aware of pet loot I'm in favor of this suggestion if it will help to reduce the unnecessary drama
Drama here, drama there, is like living on days of our lives, where is it? I jave to pay more atention bcs im missing out all the drama.....
Why not just make it so that items dropped in bonus can only be looted by the person(s) who hit/broke chest itself? Or put like a 10? second cool down until others can loot, similar mob/boss drops.
I always turn off pet loot during APQ. Because even when I equip it, I loot Apples by myself most of the time. I only enable Meso Magnet to "clear" the meso on the ground so I can loot items more easily. I apply this on Cwkpq too. If you still want to equip pet loot, you can disable Wing Boots and/or Binoculars, so your pet is not out of control.
don't think disableing pets will make any change if there is still maplers who steal apples... other then becomeing more annoying for other to manual loot i think makeing like some organisation like cwk bonus stage will be much better if you are in party drops are shared with all in that party am not sure if leave party are we going to stay or get kicked out from bonus off topic apq should be limitless (just limit bonus stage) it's so annoying to do 4runs in a row especially to deal with someone who is bad/scammer just because you can't leave after 1st run (noone is going to take me with 3runs ) in my experience in apq i had few time such persons that just join in the run and be toxic/scammers the last time i did apq i had to leave after 2nd run because that 2 person found it ok to be semi-afk,toxic and call out other with nonsense after that we got 5min smega "shame" for leaving apq 2nd run i don't care am not going to waste my time with such persons but it's bad that i and other can't continue with other for that day unless we stay and deal with those persons or bring mule to enter us
That won't work, because spawn points in APQ are random. APQ mules for the win. I've had to bring my second character a couple of times, when we had to get rid of a party member. Semi-afk can be for many reasons. And toxic, for the most part, can be ignored, especially if it's verbal. Just be sure to put evidence on community blacklist afterwards so we all know to avoid the person and they'll no longer be able to APQ unless they make lots of mules to APQ with themself
People that would want to ghost loot your stuff don't need pet loot to do so I am against it. There so many things the dev can be working on to improve the server for the better, while issues like ghost looting can be solved in PMS&Blacklists or just plain communication. I agree it can be frustrating if someone loots your apples. But be polite about it and when the stage ends and most of the players would have no issues to give the apple back. That's just my personal experience.
Ah right i forgot about that part oh well they can adjust that too change the random spwan to entry portal yea mules are good option aswell when someone crash and can't come back but still kinda annoying that someones mule won't be able to finish 4 runs oh well sorry going off topic a bit hope bonus stage gets adjust like cwk bonus or somethng better
Just politely ask everyone to remove pet pouch to avoid this entirely. Manually looting is 9/10 faster than pet loot anyway.
It's people with 3 pets in apq that I don't trust why do you need all of those pets?? to steal my appols?
Only if you have 1 pet pouch. I use 3 pets with 3 pet pouch to loot at ulu1, works like vacuum cleaner.
I'm late but I'll throw my opinion in anyway. Like others have said, if they have pet loot on and don't give back your apple, they would likely manually loot it and not give it back as well. There are times where I can see where someone genuinely didn't see their pet pick up an apple, but when I APQ I can watch my pet and break boxes and see if it loots what breaks out of mine or if it is from a different source. Disabling pet loot wouldn't change people's shitty personalities