Hey im Priest level 90 and i got full HS. Many people told me that i should look for free leech at ulu2 most of the people in ulu1/2 are bishops (obviously dont need HS), its pretty hard to find someone to carry me the question is - is that really the way to go? i have no money for buying leech, is ulu the best option for priest lvl 90?
Second the dreamy ghost. I’d look out for smegas for free leech. Train when you’re not leeching. Alternatively PPQ is available until level 100 Sell some aprs and buy leech if you don’t wanna train. You get 8k NX per day which is enough for an hour of split leech.
I used to keep an eye out for smegas LF>HS. Or occasionally using a smega myself. Last resort is to go CC around ulu maps looking for lonely mages.