Spoiler: Application ~ Name: IGN: Level: Previous Guild(s): Country/Time zone: What are your goals !: Now Allianced: Sunny/Cloudy/Akatsuki
Come join your favorite guild master Two4Table. Unlike the last table guy, Table4Two, he's an upstanding guy.
Name: Joon IGN: Nooj Level: 2 Previous Guild(s): Radiance/Guardians/Guild Country/Time zone: Gmt +8 What are your goals !: to bump this thread
Name: Tyler IGN: Tylew Level:40 Previous Guild(s):Radiance Country/Time zone: CST What are your goals !: Pass my midterm later. Beat Kirimuwu in CSGO. To one day white GodEd.
Hello sir, you have been accepted! Welcome to Table! You may PM a Jr. in-game for the invite! Also, you already beat me in CSGO
Name: Myles IGN: IXMyles Level: 53 Previous Guild(s): "I can't remember" ...it's been a while Country/Time zone: EST What are your goals !: Living a worthy life
:O wowow welcome back and welcome to table :> I'll contact you in-game in a little bit~ If you are offline, pm one of the Jr. next time you are online
Name: Phong IGN: 11even Level: 47 Previous Guild(s): none Country/Time zone: EST What are your goals !: Get my I/L mage MORE MAGIC ATTACK, AWESOME GEAR, and AWESOME Levels so I can DEAL MASSIVE DAMAGE to MOBS. (first month playing on a maple story private server).
Name: Yaron IGN: MyBishWash Level: Currently 70 Previous Guild(s): none Country/Time zone: gmt -2 (Israel) What are your goals !: To get high level on multiple chars and have fun and boss with friends
Name: David IGN: Celonia Level: 51 Previous Guild(s): I think it was called SoonTM but on another character Country/Time zone: gmt -5 What are your goals !: Get myself a zhelm, continue leveling, regret not washing on a sin
LOL I still have a chara in SoonTM. Msg ItsJustCynn or any of the jrs friend itsjustcynn or msg any of the juniors in game!
Name: Michael IGN: Sistema Level: 71 Previous Guild(s): None Country/Time zone: PST What are your goals !: Make some new friends while continuing to level up/have fun.
sorry for the late reply! We’d love to have you onboard! PM me ingame or add itsjustcynn. Or PM any other jr
Name: Tye IGN: Specious Level: 10 Previous Guild(s): None Country/Time zone: Central What are your goals !: Just to have fun and enjoy the game with a fun guild. I plan on being very active and playing for the most part everyday.